Tamiya Mi-24 Hind
22 September 2017, 15:39

Another resurrection. Started this last August. My kids had bought it for fathers day. I was surprised there was a Italeri kit in the Tamiya box. I never liked Italeri kits, this one reminds me why. Clumsy moulding, lots of sanding to do.
18 April 2018, 21:11

It's like "Walking Dead" around here!! Very cool, have to watch this one. I feel the same about the Italeri kits, although when I perused my stash few weeks ago, not all Italeri kits were created equal 🙂
18 April 2018, 21:22

It seems the newer kits are more than okay. I'm just biased I guess.
18 April 2018, 21:29

You are treading where a lot of modelers fear! old uncompleted kits! You are a brave man or just bored.
18 April 2018, 21:32

love those Russian choppers, i really want to see what you do with it 🙂
18 April 2018, 22:14

I'm just plain stubborn. These uncompleted kits are a nuisance to my eye. I feel it's too easy to start a new kit every time you hit a snag. I do it as well, but I will finish what I started. Stranrear might be an ugly exception, but it could be a first bashing project.
19 April 2018, 05:11

go Martin. the more the challenges, great the satisfaction at the end.
19 April 2018, 05:12

I must second your aversion to uncompleted builds Martin 👍. The euphoria of starting a new build is hard to resist, but completing a build is much more rewarding, knowing the work and tears that went into it. There were several projects that I started before career/wife/kids (should we abbreviate that as CWK, or is there a modeling shorthand for this already...), and still tried to finish when I returned to the hobby several years ago. These days I try not to have more than two builds going at a time. All IMHO, of course 🙂.
19 April 2018, 11:33

2 builds at the same time huh. Let's count; Graf Spee as the main build, but needs room/time. StuG as the first resurrection (getting to the end). Hind as second resurrection (getting to the halfway mark?). And in between whatever my kids want.
Painting is Always the bottleneck. My current compressor just makes too much noise, which limits spraying to whatever limited time in the weekends or an odd minute here or there. I just don't have the >€300 for a silent compressor lying around. Which leads to just plain building and creating a paint backlog. Life's so hard 😉
19 April 2018, 11:40

I hear that! Sounds like you need to practice "Honey, I really really really would like a silent compressor (URL provided here) for my birthday". Joking aside: have you considered a pressure tank? I used one for awhile: I just filled it up with my regular compressor, and then had a silent source of air. Here is a nice forum conversation on the topic in case you decide to investigate further: cs.trains.com/mrr/f/11/t/195831.aspx
19 April 2018, 12:42

Thanks for the tip Alec, but I don't have the space for an additional tank. So I'll have to make do with my 3 litre tank.
19 April 2018, 16:20

Hard to come by for a reasonable price. New is €360, second hand is €300. With S&H or picking it up by car, the difference becomes neglible.
19 April 2018, 16:35

Picture 10 is solvable with a quick swipe of (Mr. Paint) putty and a dampened cotton swab.
19 April 2018, 17:17

buying a silent compressor will make you very happy...I have a silair 20 (from airbrush service Almere) it is just great....highly recommended....(it will also make you very broke :-\ I know)
19 April 2018, 17:31

Patrick, i use vallejo putty. Other brand, same result (i hope).
Wim, i know you have that one. It's also the one that costs €360. Sigh. Perhaps it would have been better if I didn't have the small airtank. Then the whole thing would make noise all the time and she would be more susceptible to a change 😉
19 April 2018, 17:56

🙂 The hardship of modeling within a marriage..... Good luck Martin! 👍
19 April 2018, 18:16

it is an investment Martin. a good one will last you forever. I got mine around 20 years ago, and it was around the equivalent of 400 Euros back then.... even after not using it for more than a decade, it works like the first day.
19 April 2018, 21:42

I'm not the one that needs to be convinced 😉
I'll make do for the moment and someday there will be a new compressor!
20 April 2018, 05:03

Luckily (or sadly) enough, neither of the kids own a stereo (yet). But my little girl's bedroom is next to my hobbyroom. The only thing between her head and my compressor is a thin wall.....
20 April 2018, 10:21

Martin, the same thing happens to me as to you. Someday I'll have a good compressor. Meanwhile I will continue with my small and noisy compressor, XD
Luckily I usually paint by day, so the noise does not matter.
Spanjaard, interesante lo que comentas... ¿tu compresor es un Silair? Gracias 😉
20 April 2018, 19:12

@Cuajete, mine is not a Sil-air... in the sides, it says DALBE 150. But i can not find much on the internet about this brand. i have found some silentaire 150 that looks pretty much the same, but i do not know if it is the same brand or not....instructions mentioned the models DR300 and DR500.... which silentaire seem also have even today
and this was basically the only reference that i found of mine (one for sale actually) drogueriaelbarco.com..encioso-Dalbe-DR-150
and below the link to the picture of that site, it is exactly the same as mine [img1]
it is quite big, quite silent 🙂
20 April 2018, 21:25

Resurrected this one again. Immediately know why it is put away twice.
Rereading this thread, the Silair compressor is in the house, and it is QUIET. So I have the kit, the paint, the compressor. Only thing left needed is time 👍
17 March 2019, 14:32

Okay, spend some time on this one. Painted some metal coloured parts. Finished the cockpit and glued the fuselage halves. Sanded the seam and masked the screen with parafilm. All in all, quite some work done. She might even look presentable when done...
22 March 2019, 20:25

All bits and pieces are cut, sanded and what could be glued, is.
Mentally preparing for priming!
23 March 2019, 14:07

I'm having doubts whether or not to give b&w technique a try on this one.
24 March 2019, 16:26

don't.....the hind isn't angular in shape, go with marbling instead
24 March 2019, 19:09

Right. So I marbled/messed her up. Then I applied some colour. Might have been a bit too heavy handed.....
28 March 2019, 20:21

With the green added, it doesn't look that heavy handed at all.
28 March 2019, 21:52

Almost Bossy. In the movie it is a Puma dressed up to look like a Hind 😉
Patrick, I meant that the colours were a bit heavy handed/thick. No turning back now!
28 March 2019, 22:02

Looking good so far. You can lighten the green up if needed. Add some white or a light gray and more thinner and re-shoot over it very lightly. Real light passes to fade it out.
29 March 2019, 13:34

Bryn, transparency was the issue, not the colour itself. I'm torn between fading with oils or just finish this asap.
29 March 2019, 16:29

By popular demand, I applied a white/green/ochre/brown oil dot filter
30 March 2019, 17:01

Looking good Martin! Personally I would have painted it with yellow and black stripes and then tell everyone it's your Beehind! LOL
2 April 2019, 15:10

Me three... do have some decals for some special versions: [img1]
Will you do something about the overspray in the camouflage? Most hinds I can recall hard sharp edge camo....
3 April 2019, 06:09

Added most of the pieces. A couple of door and the rotors are all that's left. Decals are done, matt varnish as well.
Bart, I tried my best to get as soft an edge as possible, just to get a different looking Hind 😉
Tim, LOL. Now I have visions of a flying hairy arse as well 😄
All the other folks, thanks for checking in as well. Nearing the final construction.....
3 April 2019, 21:39

Removing the masks from the canopy went....not so well. The parafilm wanted to stay put. Took a lot of effort to get most of it from the canopy. Not my worst canopy ever, but it's getting close.
Some touch ups here and there and then it's finally over with this Italeri in disguise!
4 April 2019, 07:48

Well, it took a couple of years and I was rewarded with some more grey hair, but this thing is DONE!
The removal of the mask also removed most of my satisfaction of building a rather okay model out of this *((&😭&^%$%@ kit. Anyhow, as usual I made a separate album of the completed model: Completed Tamiya Mi-24 HInd | Album by Mahoo76 (1:72)
Thank you all for the support during the ride 👍 and the many too generous comments.
4 April 2019, 20:02

Bravo, Martin! Perseverance is the key. Shame about the masking but I think bird the looks great. Looks just like your reference pic.
6 April 2019, 23:26

I was very close to a satisfying end Tom. Glad I finished her instead of binning it.
7 April 2019, 00:14
Album info
Got this as a father's day gift in 2017. It's about time to start building this beast.