Zsolt CzegleSzép munka, mint mindig! Gratulálok! 👍
3 May 2018, 18:37
Konrad -Very nice 👍! Congrats to this nice build!
3 May 2018, 19:49
Didier ChartrainAmazing work... considering the poor quality of the KH kit, you did a splendid job. Congrats.
3 May 2018, 19:58
Spanjaardvery nice paintjob!
3 May 2018, 22:15
ForestFanSo it can be built! Great job. What struggles did you have?
4 May 2018, 06:31
Soeren R.Amazing work.
The NMF is awesome.
4 May 2018, 06:41