WIP - Su-25 Frogfoot
2 29 October 2018, 12:10

Oh yes.......
Recently bought myself, awaiting cockpit. which scheme?
29 October 2018, 12:34

Nice loadout. FAB look good. Beautiful cockpit, detail on gauges is amazing
29 October 2018, 12:38

Hey Przemek, isnt that your second Froggy in that scale? Looks great so far!
29 October 2018, 12:41

Hi Scott and thank you. I have two camos on mind. One digital Ukraine and second traditional tri tone with bluish belly.
29 October 2018, 12:46

Hi Holger - no, it's my first one. There's too much nice planes in 1:32 waiting in queue, so I'm building each one only once 😉
That's right Scott, digital is on top of the list (very short list).
29 October 2018, 14:58

Cockpit looks terriffic! That's a wonderful plane, also thought about building it in a BIG scale. What scheme is it going to be?
9 November 2018, 06:29

Thanks Alexander - most likely Ukrainian digital grey.
9 November 2018, 09:46

Finally all the putting, sanding and riveting is complete. Fuselage is done, wings and rest just a dry fit.
2 May 2019, 05:07

So much great work to comment on, the cockpit is outsanding, being able to read each instrument, and the buttons not being just one colour (Yellow) but with a black end on them and the buckles on the seat etc. Love the weathering on the weapons fit out, and am loving the build of the airfield, the blast barriers (I think thats what they are) and the concrete tarmac elements. Great job, as normal, loven it
8 February 2020, 23:34

Maintenance crew has been rather careless with the screw driver 🙂 Fantastic scratches, very convincing👍
5 April 2020, 19:05

Wow, really beautiful & pro work here! 👍
Superb outcome with the digital camo, a real eye-magnet... 🙂 & Pic 69 is exactly the stuff that haunts my nightmares... but it seems you fixed it just as it never happened...
Also I really like the way you "re-shaded" the darker digital camo surfaces, the overal result is just great 👍
16 April 2020, 13:30

Thank you very much to all of you.
It's decals time now, but have no time to sit and finish it.
17 April 2020, 06:06

Impressive job ! may I ask how with wich tool did you do prescribing and riveting ?
17 April 2020, 09:05

Any pro tips on how to promote paint adhesion to plastic? Or is it the paint that hasn't enough "bite"?
17 April 2020, 10:54

Thanka to all of you.
@Pierre, I used Tamiya scribing tool and for riveting I used small, cone shaped milling drill. I just add a piece of wood to have more grip nad to ease handling.
@Black Baron - I made a mistake, because I used AK interactive primer with water, not alcohol. It took longer to dry and the adhesion was bad (as you can see).
17 April 2020, 11:54

Big thanks for all comments.
Working on decals - will provide update soon.
19 April 2020, 15:39

Sure you don´t want to shoot more or make a finished project album? The beast sports one of the best digital camo jobs ever & details from every angle...!
In any case, congrats & great job 👍
28 April 2020, 14:12

Brillant work really👍
The Camo itself and the overloaded appearance let a inner voice call..
Where is the Airplane? 🙂
28 April 2020, 14:16

This is just stunning in every way and a huge inspiration, every part is treated so carefully, you can see the love put into this one 🙂 thanks for sharing! 👍
1 May 2020, 19:03