1 3 November 2018, 10:40

@Neling, @Ekki, @Cuajete, @Spanjaard. Thank's all of you mates 🙂. I saw this fulcrum several times in parades over the capital. As the most critical aspect of the build was to creat correct color, I'm happy with the result 🙂
5 November 2018, 21:46

Essi - Saeed are you friends? Why dont i know that Modeller even makes decals?😉 Greetz to you both and nice Fulcrum, btw! 👍
8 November 2018, 12:08

Yes! We are friends, and he is a Doctor! 🙂
Holger, it's been a few months that I have my own decals printed by Begemot, very nice quality indeed. 🙂
8 November 2018, 18:21

Holger, Is it possible to making Models in Iran and dont be a friend with Eshaq?😉
8 November 2018, 20:30

Thank you Hogler regards Fulcrum, I bought this Mig-29 seven year ago, while I was not in hobby for several years , and fortunately dear Eshaq designed decal for 1/72 fulcrum recently, and make it possible to make it 🙂
8 November 2018, 20:35

Hi Saeed, no you are right! You have to know Essi, when you are a modeller in Iran.😢 Even we modellers in Germany know him well.
These Iranian camo schemes are some of the fines around the world. I need to make a Tomcat in IRIAF desert!
9 November 2018, 07:27

Hi Hogler, good decision about Cat in 3 tone scheme 🙂 I can imagin how beautiful model will be😉
9 November 2018, 10:28