Piaggio P.108-Serie II *finished*
50 7 December 2018, 18:08

never seen one like this one before, you really choose uncommon subjects 🙂
7 December 2018, 19:28

Still, Japanese planes are my favorites, but i won't look away when someone is building something special that you don't see very often! There is a lot of resin involved i see. That will be interesting....
7 December 2018, 22:01

I still got some big Hinomarus in my stash😉
Thank you for your apperances Gentlemen 👍
Olivier your german is perfect btw. 🙂
7 December 2018, 22:13

Anybody knows where to get italian Airmen of WWII in 1/72?
22 December 2018, 23:08

Hallo Daniel, you can look here scalemates.com/kits/1005194-..-pilots-and-ground-grew-wwii
Cheers Stefan
23 December 2018, 09:38

Intriguing one, never heard of it, but will be following with interest...
23 December 2018, 10:49

What kind of paint scheme will you consider? I had never heard about this bomber before. I checked with Wikipedia and I saw there was a mottled paint scheme at least.
23 December 2018, 10:56

Now that's something you don't see every day (or ever).
Interesting looking aircraft - I've not seen it before. Just read that one had a 4 inch anti-shipping cannon!
23 December 2018, 11:21

There was an american bomber too with this feature B-25 with a Sherman gun in the nose: [img1]
23 December 2018, 12:55

Welcome guys and thanks for your Appearances 👍
@Treehugger i will do the "navy" paintscheme of the kit black undersides (field applied) and Olivegreen.
ALso have the Flying machines Kit which is the early version I.seria with the mottled camo scheme and
the nose turret.
@Gorby Yes that was the A version which special hobby also produced and i own. The german Luftwaffe used it after italian capitulation
24 December 2018, 14:04

Well Daniel, this is nice ! I wish I had one ! Plus the messerschmitt 264 , as these were the first strategic bombers of the axis. Unfortunately they came in to being too late to make a difference. I'll be watching this!
25 December 2018, 05:58

You are right Alex 👍 I am sure the P. 108 will be reissued, but the Me 264 hm... Whatever thes are no very well done kits at all.
But the only games in Town for these types.
26 December 2018, 18:50

Welcome guy(s) and thanks for your interest 👍
@Soeren.. this thing will take a lot of time and patience so no speedbuild.
14 August 2019, 17:51

Just stumbled over that- most interesting! You will make a marvel out of this, that´s for sure- and I will follow for sure
15 August 2019, 14:11

Thank you Roland glad you found it and i will try my best 👍
@Alec yap thank you mate! - encouragement is needed with this kit 🙂
Lets stick together, come on, come on... 🙂
16 August 2019, 17:03

Hi James, and a warm welcome and thanky you for your kind words 👍
MAsking ...
22 August 2019, 11:16

Wow, another interesting project. Looking great. I was suprised that there were only 24 planes built of type I and II and 16 were lost during operations. I've read in one review that engines are not so good as a rest of the kit. Is it true? Looking forward for next pictures.
22 August 2019, 11:30

Watching this one! I have no idea where you have been storing such large builds.
22 August 2019, 11:46

Call me utterly ignorant, but I never knew Piaggio was making planes aswel 😄 Looking good, this one 🙂
22 August 2019, 12:18

Hi David, nice to have you here and yes the kit engines are crappy and also the surfaces of the main parts is let us say ok. But the clear -and Resinparts are really top.
Thank you for your interest in this project 👍
22 August 2019, 14:01

@Davewelcome mate and added some pictures and you are right.. It is indeed a big Bird.
@Sergej Take a seat and thank you👍
22 August 2019, 14:02

Hi DAvid.. It is really a big plane and the 109 looks like a bug or something on its wing 🙂
23 August 2019, 14:23

Hi Holger, jo extrem massig auch von der Form her 👍 10 Tag noch, dann simmer quasi Inselnachbarn... ok SPiekeroog hängt noch dazwischen
25 August 2019, 16:12

Welcome Slavo, and nice you join the crowd 👍
Did some Blackbasing, the Big italian Blackbird
25 August 2019, 18:23

Thank you James 👍 Now the usual marmorizing with filtered and softened insignia white
26 August 2019, 12:03

Fun seeing you guys add varied shading to the hull before adding the final layers of paint. 🙂 I have to try that out.
26 August 2019, 15:07

Do this, it is really easy and is a good preparation for the final coat.
26 August 2019, 17:03

H STephan and Sascha.. Thank you mates and welcome.
How do you like the green color? First layer
28 August 2019, 12:25

Compated to the cucumber-esque tones of the Betty, this one has a dedicatedly more fruitful and zesty touch...😉😉
Seriously - looking very good - big plane-big playground, the shading comes out nicely - a great base for further blends & techniques! 👍
28 August 2019, 12:52

Thank you Slavo 👍 YAp i added more layers. What Do you think? Does the color fit the original thing?
28 August 2019, 15:17

Thank you Robert, Urban and James...
demasked, some Decals added and now i can go for the washing. I am also quiet satisfied with the color choice.
The Props will be a real challenge, Resin and kit parts mixed and with super glue you have usually only one shot.
1 September 2019, 11:31

Thank you Stephan and Roland 👍 much appreciated but I got stuck with the Props now
4 September 2019, 22:32

Looking really good, the shading seems great on the pictures & I really like the "zombie cheers grinder - look" exhaust flame suppressors😉 👍
5 September 2019, 06:10

Thank you Slavo and James! Feel honored that you like the paintwork????
6 September 2019, 15:47

The question marks are an keyboard accident mates..sorry.
So with a little help from a friend finally got the props done. Now the final bits and pieces, paintwork, washes and final coating of some areas will be done
and the finish line is within sight, for this monster.
While waiting for some ordered washing stuff started another Bomber project
8 September 2019, 18:10

Almost ready for take off. Another great bird to your record, Daniel !
8 September 2019, 18:24

Perfectly timed along with the Ferrari triumph at Monza comes this fabulous top-tier product of Mussolini-era Italian engineering - grande! 👍
Really great treatment of those big surfaces and a model with quite some "presence" - well done sir!
I quite do not completely understand some design decissions on the plane, like the shape of the nose and the two small bubbles on the back (2 crew guiding the nacelle mounted defensive guns left/right?), but I surely do like the result!
8 September 2019, 19:37

that one is for sure in dire need off a plastic surgeon for a new nosejob... weird looking aircraft and beautiful work...
9 September 2019, 12:05

Thank you Olivier, Roland, Slavo and Bart 👍 And yes if it wasn't for the historical look i would have given it a new nose Design
24 September 2019, 08:46

Love your choice of 'left-field' subjects and their superb constructions, Daniel...
24 September 2019, 09:15

Thank you Holger, Andy, Nikolaos, Stephan, Roland, Guy and Neuling 👍
Better pics of the plane alone will follow
@Andy yes i have a heart for the forgotten and not so succesful Constructions, Glad you like it👍
27 September 2019, 09:27

Very nice result, Daniel! I think I haven't seen this build of yours before.
6 October 2021, 19:03

Thank you Cuajete, Clifford and Erik very much appreciated 👍
Just reworked the build a bit and took better pics 🙂
Glad you like it!
6 October 2021, 22:36

A very big one indeed ! Nicely built, mine will come on the bench... but when ?
9 August 2023, 16:41

Thank you Transall NG! This is not an easy Built but well worth the effort in the end!
Don't wait too long🙂 What version do you have?
9 August 2023, 18:46

Thank you very much Bernd! Very much appreciated and glasd you like it. 👍 Difficult kit and not perfect built by any means but iam quite satisfied with the outcome too! 🙂
12 August 2023, 21:28

Impressive airplane and fantastic work, congrats!
The small two-stroke engines that were used to start the engines of this monster in the post war gave birth to the Vespa, a milestone of Piaggio.
12 August 2023, 21:49

Hi Pietro! Thank you very much for your nice comment!
And for the extra information about the Vespa history👍
14 August 2023, 09:28

Late to say this, but that is.....great! Congratulations to this beautiful outcome Daniel!!
14 August 2023, 16:36

Never to late Roland an thank you very much Mates 👍 Very much appreciate your kind words 👍
28 August 2023, 20:41
Album info
Very impressive though not very successful Machine in my opinion.
now the italian Phase goes along with the japanese 🙂
This kit will be a good challenge i guess. Rescribing etc. filling, sanding and so on... But nevertheless: Thank yo Special Hobby für realizing this one in
my scale 👍