1 10 February 2019, 17:25

Took a bunch of pictures of some of the outstanding entries from the JAXCON 2019 model contest from yesterday. The last picture is the loot I scored from the vendors.
10 February 2019, 17:38

I would have taken more pictures but my phone was overheating!
10 February 2019, 17:47

These are awesome, I love 5, 10, 11, 13, and 23... good stuff 😄
10 February 2019, 17:51

Added scale and some form of description to most pictures. Here's video of that ship:
Youtube Video

10 February 2019, 18:18

That ship is Epic! I can't wait for the NW Scale modellers Convention next weekend 😄 !
10 February 2019, 19:20

Was a great show and the vendor room turned my wallet white hot.
10 February 2019, 21:31

Added a pic of a little Mars rover that I missed earlier.
11 February 2019, 13:24

Glad you enjoyed. Always a good show here in Jacksonville.
11 February 2019, 23:01