Aviation Autographs
1 19 March 2019, 14:03

Thanks Holger! The only one I've actually met is Urban Drew. He was shocked such a young man (at the time) would even know who he was. The Galland signature was won at an IPMS regional in a drawing. The other two are on art prints I purchased from Virginia Bader at the Sun-n-Fun Airshow. Side story: Virginia is the second cousin of Douglas Bader and a huge dealer in aviation art.
19 March 2019, 16:51

On 7 October 1944 Urban shot down 2 Me 262. The name of the pilots were Lt. Kobert and Oblt. Bley.
Kobert was killt, Bley managed it to jump out of his airplane without injuries. His airplane crashed in to a House by the village Bramsche and killt 4 Civilian.
10 September 2020, 13:37