Wings, Wheels & Keels 2019 - Venice Florida USA
1 30 March 2019, 21:08

Just went back and straightened them all out. This happens whenever I upload from the phone..
30 March 2019, 23:25

A very small but great show here in Florida. This show is in an area known to have massive amounts of retired folks, so the vendor tables are always loaded with rare items and this year did not disappoint! I was able to get a few interesting items and spent most of my money at one man's table...
30 March 2019, 23:30

Oh thank you - the pics do look much better. I spent a little part of my life in FLA. Art deco - Turquoise and coral - ah the memories...
30 March 2019, 23:38

Do you know what scale #7 & #8 is in? Insanely tiny! The spy car in #18 is in my wishlist, this one is amazing, and the pink egg tank is adorable 😄
30 March 2019, 23:46

I think it was 1/144 scale. That spy car had a nice interior too, but I couldn't get a good shot with my phone.
31 March 2019, 00:13

@Robbie - Yeah Torquoise and coral are like shades of grey here 🙂
31 March 2019, 03:21

LOL - Not the decal I want to use for the kit. I prefer "Black Death" with a black label whiskey bottle on the side. The fire-bomber is going to be insane. I thought the crop duster was a cool find too.
31 March 2019, 18:32

Wait. There were kits in that picture? 😛 All the kits that you bought look super cool, but N-9 MA is my favorite.
31 March 2019, 19:04

I wish there were conventions up here in the northwest. Mostly I've only been able to find shows, where a group/club rents a hall and displays their stuff. but no expo hall/vendor rooms etc.
1 April 2019, 03:53

Looks like you have a regional contest on the 13th. Around here a regional usually means huge vendor room...
1 April 2019, 11:29