Hellenic Air Force AB 205 SAR -WIP
32 29 April 2019, 08:04

Moin Harry, die inflatable pontoons habe ich auch von slingshot. Ein ganz netter Typ!
7 May 2019, 13:33

Ja sowas ähnliches... ist eine Folie irgendeiner Verpackung, die relativ reißfest ist.
7 May 2019, 15:08

Moin Harry, ist die Rückbank im Bausatz nicht enthalten oder zu schlecht?
8 May 2019, 06:26

Little bug i think or your project is very interesting😉
The colour scheme is very cool, excellent choice 👍
8 May 2019, 07:55

@ Arne: die Bank ist enthalten und gar nicht sooo schlecht. Da ich aber auch die vorderen Sitze alle umgebaut habe, hätte sie einfach nicht dazu gepasst. 😉
@ Ronan: thx, I like this colour scheme too! Hope it will come out like the real one!
8 May 2019, 09:47

looking good, nice too see this one saved from the shelve of doom...
20 December 2020, 06:10

@ Ronan: some troubles with to small windows and so much other projects... I always work on it in between... 😉
Hello Raphael and Simontie! I hope to continue soon...
16 February 2022, 14:49

Many thanks!
So much interested persons! I think I have to move forward here soon... 🙂
17 February 2022, 06:53

Just found this project and would like to follow unless you have paused it. A question, how did you do those red seat cushions and the orange bags? Milliput or something? I would like to borrow that in my upcoming Mi-2 helo project.
24 March 2022, 09:24

You are welcome Thomas!
The seats you can see on pics 6 - 8. They are from lead foil and paper tissue 😉
The bigger bag is from Black Dog and the smaller one cut from a Ceasar Miniatures soldier...
Looking forward to your Mi-2 project. Nice little helo, I also have it in my stash.
24 March 2022, 10:54