M43 8-Inch Howitzer Motor Carriage - Korea
2 2 May 2019, 17:08

Thanks. This one took a lot more time than I expected. All total, I estimated 1,530 parts of which almost 600 are the styrene individual link tracks.
3 May 2019, 16:48

Thanks guys. The conversion was pretty simple with the 3D printed barrel. The scratch built stuff is all easily done with styrene sheet, strips, and rods. There are great walk arounds on the web and in the Doyle book that allow you to properly dimension the parts. If I were to do it again, I would use the Tamiya M40 as the base kit. It includes the correct track type. The 'rubber band' tracks work well for US vehicles with live tracks - they are always tightly tensioned and don't sag. the Tamiya kit is as well detailed as the AFV Club and is much easier to assemble. Plus, you end up with a spare correctly dimensioned 155mm gun barrel that can be used to replace the incorrect barrel in the AFV Club Long Tom towed kit. I would use the Voyager PE again as it is more detailed and more expansive than the Eduard set. The AFV Club ammo is great.
4 May 2019, 17:46