1 29 May 2019, 10:10

You get a lot more from a kind word and a gun than from a kind word alone...😉
7 June 2019, 19:12

Thank you Łukasz, but I think it will be more a beast like a beauty! 🙂
11 June 2019, 05:06

I got from my kids a Revell/Matchbox diorama base. It will be the final base for the russian beast...
30 June 2019, 17:14

Interesting diorama base. What exactly is this set?
Nice color, I should mix closer to this...
11 July 2019, 11:30

The kit is from Zvezda. The base is from an old Matchbox kit rerelased by Revell (Nr 03232 Jagdpanther in scale 1/76).
Sd.Kfz. 173 Jagdpanther (Revell 03232, 1:76)
Color is AK 746 Russian 4BO green
11 July 2019, 13:35

The beast has got the decals. Next step are the varnish and weathering
31 July 2019, 05:32

Great outcome of this paintjob!Looks old but gold! And the turned metal from RB looks great, too!
24 August 2019, 09:17

Weathering done on the hull. Some dirt comes to the bottom side...
8 September 2019, 18:20

The hull comes in proper Russian "manufacture and forget" style - good job, almost across the line 👍
8 September 2019, 19:39

Very impressive weathering, wish I could get such a result in 35th or 48th 👍
8 September 2019, 20:23

Thank you Kim.
The beast is completed. I'm very statisfied!
12 September 2019, 08:49

Hallo Zsolt, very nice model and display. I like the idea with the old matchbox base. If i see pic 58 it may be a tip for you. I make my own tow cables:
Cheers Stefan
12 September 2019, 10:51

Danke Stefan! Diese Plastikkabels von Zvezda sind echt gut. Deshalb habe ich die nicht ersetzt.
12 September 2019, 16:49

stimmt, ich bin mir auch noch nicht sicher, ob ich sie tausche, wenn ich mal ein Zvezda-Panzer bauen sollte 🙂
12 September 2019, 17:33

Awesome work mate! The Matchbox stand doesn't look matchboxish anymore😉
12 September 2019, 20:07