Nissan Z 300ZX
4 4 June 2019, 21:51

Thank you so much! Next time I will try to thin the paint before brushing. There's quite a cool pattern molded in the plastic but the thickness of the paint filled it unfortunately.
It baffles me how different the paints are, my flat aluminum from Tamiya is soooo much harder to get a nice finish with compared to Tamiya Gold!
7 June 2019, 08:25

Finished this one yesterday. I can't really say "rushed it", but I didn't care to correct errors I made when I started it 7 years ago so the end result is... OK. Learned so much - second completed kit ever!
15 June 2019, 08:20

i love this two tone paintsheme on the Fairlady. Well done - beautiful car.
22 July 2019, 20:48

I don't like the original (I think, the 2nd generation looks better), but your work is flawless!
8 August 2022, 08:46