PAMSCON Model Contest 2019
1 17 June 2019, 00:47

I'll take me some Dorothy from #4 😉 That heliplane in #21 id really odd. All pictures are awesome, Thanks for taking the camera with you 🙂
17 June 2019, 00:57

I wish I had time to take more. This is just a sampling of what was there. The Werewolf was sculpted by my friend and won best in show. Full scratch and hand painted!
17 June 2019, 01:24

That's awesome Nathan, congratz to him as well! A lot of character in the models at the CON 🙂
17 June 2019, 01:33

The vendor area was quite large as well. You need to give me lists of things you are looking for. There were SO many car models for sale there it was mind boggling. The prices were a-ok too. I got a kit selling on eBay for $120 at the show for $35.
17 June 2019, 01:37

Nice!! We have a few shows up here, but it's just clubs renting space, which is all good, but I haven't seen one with a vender room.
17 June 2019, 01:40

As far as what I'd like... Simple... Any civilian vehicle that is dirt cheap (around the $10-$15 mark)... 🙂
17 June 2019, 01:48

Werewolf is amazing! Reminds me of those brilliant old Aurora kits but with an insane level of detail
17 June 2019, 19:26

Amazing models that werewolf is hand made? My respect and congratulations to your friend! I really like "the forgotten soldier" (#42)
17 June 2019, 20:02

I wish I would have had more time to take pictures.
Spanjaard: Yep, it was sculpted over a wire frame.
17 June 2019, 22:09

The Humvee on pic 59 does not look realistic at all... 😮 No proper pre-shading, weathering or chipping, the clear parts warp the view inside way too much, the PE bends look sloppy, the wheels & tires boring black without a sense of depth... Who brings something like that to a show...??
18 June 2019, 09:39

More shots from another modeler in this video showing the extensive amount of car entries:
Youtube Video

18 June 2019, 12:01

I knew you and Bob would appreciate the extra car model pics. I had to assist in judging this area as there were so many entries the club members were running out of time.
18 June 2019, 18:00