Millennium Falcon by TWN
Photo 1 of 125
6 22 July 2019, 15:52

After my first wip get lost, I don't know why, I restart and add the most pics, because I will finish these project in 2020. If it works, I will show the MF at the Space Days 2020 at Darmstadium in Darmstadt, Germany
6 January 2020, 13:12

Looking at R2-D2 reminds me of why I love Star Wars. 🙂 Or, at least, before Disney. (Rogue One I liked though, though flawed imo)
6 January 2020, 18:16

Now that's a proper build...someone who appreciates the Falcon, like Han Solo
6 January 2020, 22:16

Thank you Dash! The kit is amazing and needs a lot of work. The size is fantastic and I hope it will be finished not far in the future.
3 June 2021, 08:11
Album info
My longtime project, after my first wip on scm get lost, I start it again