55 Nomad crushed
7 18 November 2019, 03:02

I just gotta know, what generated this project ? Death of a Nomad sad, so sad !
18 November 2019, 03:06

Tim Allen! LOL! They never killed the Nomad! Hollywood tricks! They killed a station wagon and a mocked up car! People actually complained to the show because they thought they killed a Nomad. I have pics of all 3 cars used and you can see the difference! I am doing this for the owner of my local Hobby shop.
18 November 2019, 03:16

I always liked the series. Curious about this project. As for the show, I'll take a seat. 🙂
18 November 2019, 03:56

I saw this episode and even for a mock up car I would love to have it sitting in my garage lol.
Great job so far on replicating the dmg 🙂
18 November 2019, 09:57

Yes it is Hans! I just finished the I beam, Now I wish I hadn't started all these cars! All of this body work and sanding on these things is starting to wear out my shoulder! I should've stuck to computer games! LOl
30 November 2019, 22:48

"I don't think so, Tim" LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To quote Al !
30 November 2019, 23:15

You should get an electric sander for Xmas before your arms fail haaaaha !!!!
Amazing piece of work Tim 😉
1 December 2019, 17:38

Too late Munky I get a prosthetic arm on Tuesday! LOL! JK. Seriously I hope to have it painted in the next few days as well as the F&F charger.
2 December 2019, 04:03

Thank you Lode. Now I have to learn how make a wreck with a show room shine on it! LOL
2 December 2019, 22:09

Peter they used a mocked up station wagon to look like a Nomad and crushed it instead of the Nomad. People screamed at the show about crushing the real one, which they did not crush. They did 2 mock ups, I'll post the pics. Now I'm reversing it and turning a Nomad into a mock up which has been challenging.
17 December 2019, 13:33

LOL! Yes I'm the one killing a Nomad! But fear not, I liked and bought it for myself to redeem myself for what I did to the 1st kit! LOL, I'll be building a blue one.
17 December 2019, 22:49

I know it was not real. I knew in my heart and soul then that they could not possibly have actually killed a Nomad like that. Even so, my soul screamed a bit when I saw the episode. You have brought back that feeling for a second sir! LOL
You gotta tell us how you managed to do that damage! Looks great.
17 December 2019, 22:59

Thank you Don! I'm glad to hear it looks that good. I dropped an I beam on it. LOl! Heat gun and a metal level and very slowly!
18 December 2019, 02:18

Gotcha. It really looks like it had a 3 ton I beam dropped on it. LOL
18 December 2019, 03:41

I hoping to complete it by Friday. A lot of sanding and buffing!
18 December 2019, 04:46

Now I want to watch some of Home improvement again... So many truths and gems of life wisdom hidden in there... Great model and behind the scenes research Tim - you have it covered from all angles 👍
18 December 2019, 16:55

I agree Slavo, this is a lot of hidden wisdom in those shows! Go figure, as Bob pointed out my name is perfect for this project! LOL I'm not showing some pics of this at this time because the guy knows I'm here and I don't want to spoil it ! But soon!
18 December 2019, 19:56

I've never seen that Tool Time episode Tim, I better check it out on YouTube
19 December 2019, 21:42

James and all interested.....I have completed this project!! 1st one this year! What I have learned from this?? It's hard to make bent parts fit together! LOL! This was an experience! I just wish I was 100% happy with it. I hope you enjoy it. Tks
2 February 2020, 06:07

Tim, not sure what there is to not be happy with. That is flipping awesome sir! Love it!
2 February 2020, 06:28

I thank you much guys for the kind words, as I said, it was a learning experience.
2 February 2020, 09:21

That will take some beating, but Tim is the automotive scratch build king tho so I expected nothing less 😉
Epic work once again mate 👍
2 February 2020, 10:27

Wow! Look at picture 38! Tim, do you need to tell us something about your Dragstar addiction? You can open up here, we're in a safe place.
2 February 2020, 17:00

Outstanding! And in my opinion, there is nothing to worry about. It is an a w e s o m e result!
2 February 2020, 18:50

And I've learned as well as you did. It's an awesome project with a pretty good result!
2 February 2020, 20:11

I thank you all for the uplifting comments! Munky, I'm no king, just a scalenut like the rest of you. Patrick, My autographed die cast collection is barely shown, we have Indy cars, nascars and a lot of drag cars, 403 cars displayed in my basement! Don't know how much more open I can get without taking pics of them all! LOL!
2 February 2020, 20:34

Excellent work. I think deforming plastic in a specific way is hard to do, unlike metal. And what a great idea for a build too. That's a fun one to have on the shelf.
3 February 2020, 07:19

Excellent work, I really like the way how you manage to distribute the absorbtion of impact & bending on the front grill 👍 Looks really convincing & real!
3 February 2020, 10:20

Much appreciated comments! This project was interrupted by Murphy's law several times that kept causing other issues, hence why I am not %100 happy with it. But the kind words have helped! Thank you! Tom, you are correct on bending plastic!, once you over due it it's gone! The Hobby shop I built it for will start having fun with it today since it's there today on display.
3 February 2020, 16:27

Anyone notice? This is about the only hobby, where the more trashed/smashed/crashed/worn and rusty a project is, the more praise it gets. lol
5 February 2020, 19:35

A bit late to this particular party. Tim, you really have outdone yourself. Great wrecking, great paint job and great presentation. You really are a toolman 😉
12 February 2020, 07:33

O.k, so I was in the hobby shop where this resides and was paying for my stuff and the manager shakes his head to the right a few times, so I look over and one of his co-workers has opened the big glass case for a customer to take pictures of the 55. He then tells me jokingly that only the statue of liberty has had it's picture taken more. LOL! Still after 5months there he loves it! Too cool to still entertain with this.
9 July 2020, 01:55

Quite rightly so......... an epic build deserves some public adoration 👍
9 July 2020, 09:20

The funny Thing today for me: the day before yesterday a German broadcast was sending this Episode 🙂
9 July 2020, 10:38

I actually only watched the series in German voice acting - which was quite well assigned and translated IMHO - and hardly ever saw the original version - i guess it´s entertaining too 🙂 So much wisdom in the package - discovering new things that were so true every day of my married life... 😄
Tim the model is still great - I´d surely take a shot if I saw it in real life! 👍
9 July 2020, 11:01

That's brilliant Tim, love the broken glass. I wonder if they realised how valuable a Nomad would become ?
9 July 2020, 13:55

Slavo you're so right, That show is great for the simple wisdom it has! Nigel when they did that episode people called and complained about crushing that car! In reality it was a mocked up car and not the Nomad. So when building this I had to walk a line of doing the mock up and the Nomad. So in reality I destroyed a Nomad to make this! LOL
9 July 2020, 14:52

You should get some pics of it at the shop, so we can see it's epic glory on display!
9 July 2020, 17:55

Hey Munkyslut, i think you win the internet for having the best name thus far !! 😄 😄 😄
I think Slavo might have mistaken you for me a while back😉
9 July 2020, 21:15

The worst thing in it was that I actually mistook you two by looking at the avatar icon...!!! Must have been quite "in shape" that night... 😄 😄
9 July 2020, 21:23

Bob I'll be going there soon, so I'll take a pic and post it. You guys are the reason I call this place Scalenuts! LOL
10 July 2020, 04:59

I wouldn't want it any other way ! Nuts is how we roll ! LOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10 July 2020, 06:37

Too Funny! O.k guys The pics of the 55's permanent home are posted.
10 July 2020, 20:25

Nigel, I had been bringing in my work for a few years. It started with the Jolly Rogers kits, AKA (The pirates of the Caribbean) when they 1st came out, he liked my work on them, then I brought in the 1/16th Dukes of Hazzard Charger and he loved that, and it spent about 6months there. One day last year I walked in and he said he had a project for me and brought out the Nomad kit and told me what he wanted done. So I accepted the challenge and worked with him asking what he envisioned and between the two of us what you see here is the outcome, so the car is his and I have a good friend that is quite helpful.
11 July 2020, 06:23

Apparently this inspired him to have a model contest for a TV or movie model contest, but because of all the crap happening it may not happen, other than that no. Bob Imho it isn't much a plug due to no one is really in my area.
11 July 2020, 15:06
Album info
Home Improvement episode " Don't tell mom"