Merdeces G4 (W31) 1/35 ICM
Photo 1 of 84
11 30 January 2020, 20:22

This is the Step, when my kit went onto the Shelf of Doom.... i´m in, looking how you go ahead. GoodLuck
31 January 2020, 08:53

the main Frame warped a few hours after glueing. It happend twice... the second kit "died" the same way. In a probalble thrird try, i´ll attach the frame with massive force to something that doesnt warp.
5 February 2020, 08:55

It's such a cool car to see plowing thru fields. And only 4 still remaining in real life
Youtube Video

7 February 2020, 13:36

I,ve decide to do the assembly with the hood closed, but withoud the windows. Cause that, some details on the body need to be corrected.
7 September 2020, 21:56

Hellow Olivier, no, it's actually stopped for a while de assembly, but soon I'll return for it. About the exhaust, I follow (at least the idea) from a youtube tutorial from the Night Shift Scale channel: Youtube Video

18 January 2021, 15:38

After a long time away from the bench, We return the work on the G4! Main peaces are been glue together and the whole thing is starting to getting shape. Nexts steps varnish and interior assembly.
18 January 2023, 11:25