SCM Aggressor Group Build Fall 2019 (USN F-21A Lion)
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3 18 March 2020, 20:10

I wasn't going to mention that.😉 I vaguely remember a movie with Peter Strauss flying an F-16 trying to shoot down a rogue lunatic pilot that stole a nuke and wanted to bomb Las Vegas. I think this was the first time I saw the Kfir (I didn't know how it was called at that time.
18 March 2020, 22:16

Ah those 90's movies and their scenarios 😄
I always wanted to have an Israeli Kfir in the collection, but by then only the F-21 was available in Poland. So I built it years ago, lost it somewhere on the way and once I saw it again I thought it would match the agressor groupbuild idea. This is purely sentimental build, I intend to get an Israeil one at some point in the future too.
19 March 2020, 08:16

Welcome Guys, the GB name indeed is a bit beyond its best-before-use date😉
10 April 2020, 18:10

Welcome Daniel, I just finished the main spraying. I need to correct the left tailside and the undercarriage covers.
19 April 2020, 20:59

Decalling finished. The OOB instruction is hopeless, I had to check every step online. After all I had to move the red arrows, luckily the Italeri decals turned out to be quite strong.
25 April 2020, 17:06

Tried the pencil 'washing' today and I need your honest say - is it good enough? Probably the varnish will make it a bit darker I assume.
1 May 2020, 13:09

Finished. It is bit cloudy today, so the pics might be bit blueish. Hope you enjoy them anyway.
Tip: Hatakas FS35237 & FS36251 are the same for my eye, so if you need both, you can buy one - profit!😉
Just spotted the other antennas should be black too 🙂
4 May 2020, 09:58

You know, AMK one is tempting...
so maybe, one day, the Zion one, who knows...?😉
4 May 2020, 13:34

Oh yeah, we still have that group build going.... Sorry, need to finish my Hornet still... Seeing this beautiful F-21 gives me some mojo to do it! 👍
4 May 2020, 17:27

Very nice color in aircraft and drop tank, Łukasz. Well done. Congrats!
You have to build an AMK's Kfir. It's awesome and cheap😉
4 May 2020, 18:49

Many thanks Gentlemen. Well the groupbuild definitely is not an autumn one anymore😉 Looking forward to seeing your bug, Patrick. The AMK kit will have to wait a while as I plan to reduce my stash a bit by building some other kits in the meantime 🙂
4 May 2020, 20:37

Reducing the stash is a futile endeavour... Tamiya, Hasegawa, Great Wall Hobby, AMK, etc state that resistance is FUTILE!
4 May 2020, 21:46

😄 😄 😄 And slowly the Scalemates hoarding zombies are taking over the modeling world...
4 May 2020, 22:30

Excellent Kfir, the sand colored tank is a very nice touch 👍 And I am again very impressed with hataka, the subtle color match on this scheme is quite delicate especially betw. the 2 greys you mentioned - Just spot on here, nice nice...I might expand my paint collection 🙂
5 May 2020, 08:40

Glad to see you like it. I based my paint selection for the Kfir and its tank on the source. But I have the impression the darkest grey should be a bit blueish, so today I'd opt for Dark Ghost Grey to distinct it a bit more 🙂
5 May 2020, 11:27

Alright, consider yourself tested lads - none of you spotted missing front gear of the front undercarriage 😛 Me neither 😄 Found it today on my workbench.
Aside from that - the weather was perfect today evening, so I took nicer pictures 🙂
5 May 2020, 18:44

😄 😄 😄 See what those colors do to us! We are so involved in those subtle nuances, we don't even see the glaring obvious! 😉
8 May 2020, 06:24

Thanks, I just spotted it on my desk and the first thought was: shouldn't it belong somewhere else? 😄
8 May 2020, 07:42