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Roman Modelar (RomanoveModely)

VW Transporter T2 - Egg Planes Girls

Photo 1 of 5


3 7 April 2020, 10:03
Clean work on this Volkswagen!
 7 April 2020, 17:44
Paul Juliano
Super cute! Nice work.
 7 April 2020, 18:56
Roman Modelar Автор
thanks guys😉
 7 April 2020, 22:58
Matthew Stec
Great job!!
 7 April 2020, 23:58
Diego DH
unusual & nice!
 8 April 2020, 09:15
Tim Heimer
I agree with all above!
 8 April 2020, 13:53
Danny Meer
That 1 came out very nice 👍 still got my Steampunk van to do (with a caravan behind it 😛)
And Chris has them all of this collection 🙂
 8 April 2020, 14:13
Daniel Klink
Really like it and great job mate 🙂
 8 April 2020, 14:47
Roman Modelar Автор
thanks for your comments 😉

@Danny - Steampunk van looks amazing. Caravan behind it ? 😮 Scratchbuild ?
 8 April 2020, 15:30
Danny Meer
Caravan will be a scratchbuild yeah 🙂
 8 April 2020, 18:09
Chris Greathouse
Roman!! That looks dope! I have all six Egg Vans. They'll be my collective next project. Congrats!
 8 April 2020, 18:12
Roman Modelar Автор
thanks. Looking forward to your Egg Vans project! Also to scratchbuild caravan😉
 8 April 2020, 19:04
Chaz Gordon
Nice work on the Gloss over Decals, they really look painted on.
 2 June 2020, 07:17

Project info

5 изображения
1:24 Volkswagen Type 2 Delivery Van (Hasegawa 52133)

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