Building the Amodel 1:144 C-123 J Provider Посмотреть: Слайд-шоу Мозаика Список 1 April 15, 2020
I needed quite some time to approach a fit of the main parts. Coffee helped.
2 3 April 15, 2020
In the end, I needed to rescribe the entire plane.
4 April 15, 2020
Time and again, I found areas to redo.
5 April 15, 2020
VMA Orange over black gave the shade of red I aimed at.
6 April 15, 2020
Vallejo Metalizer in Pale Burnt Metal looked quite like Aluminum to me.
7 April 15, 2020
I skipped the weathering, save some exhaust stains at the sides of the nacelles.
8 April 15, 2020
The base is a piece of insulation board, coated with PVA glue.
9 April 15, 2020
Then I added some "rocks", a bit of "gravel", some Baltic beach sand, and baking soda.
10 April 15, 2020
Plus some white paint.
11 12 Комментарии 3 15 April 2020, 14:53
Nathan Dempsey Fantastic work Frank. Seeing your build has inspired me. I just ordered the AC-123K variant.
26 May 2020, 01:06
Frank Spahr Автор Thank you Nathan, and the very best of luck in building the kit!
26 May 2020, 18:26
Nathan Dempsey Thanks Frank! I may well need it being an Amodel kit. Great subjects though!
26 May 2020, 20:10
Album info With a lot of time on my hands due to the Corona pandemic, I grabbed this kit from the stash of doom and just built it. It needed a lot of work, but I somehow got there. Nonetheless, in this time of distancing, this kit is best viewed from a distance ...
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