bell P.39N in VVS
2 8 May 2020, 17:28

Few pics of first step renovating the kit, old Humbrol removed paint, canopy masked trying not to break more parts.
8 May 2020, 17:43

finshed ! I think i got the right US iintial olive drab but I used AMT-4 from MIGto simulate the roundels overpait and it looks too flashy unfortunately. let me know what do you think.
9 May 2020, 09:13

Pierre, I'm very interested in the stripping of the old paint and decals. I have a 1/72 Revell Spitfire that I impatiently painted (by brush) with a mix of acrylics and an enamel. It looks awful. What did you use and will it take both kinds of paints off? And the decals? Lovely remake on the Airacobra.
9 May 2020, 19:15

@ Gary, i am no expert, but I removed paint as follow 1) brushed on it Tamyia paint reomver (200ml bottle #87183) in thick layers, 2) 1h after gently removed with a soft tooth brush, 3) washed with soap and water, 4)dried, 5) final clean with coton swab with mild aceton (from my local supermarket), 6) dried for one night.
10 May 2020, 12:55

Thanks Pierre. I'll give it a try as soon as I can get some supplies. It's an old model anyway, so nothing ventured nothing gained 👍
10 May 2020, 18:35