Kyushu Q1W1 Tokai *Finished*
6 23 May 2020, 17:03

Welcome Mates.. hope we will have a nice time here..
@Jens jo trotz Abstandsregeln sind noch Plätze reserviert 🙂
23 May 2020, 18:40

Sag mal hat einer von Euch beiden dieses Buch
und wenn ja ist es sein Geld wert?
24 May 2020, 08:17

Jens hat es und es ist sicherlich sehr gut.
ich kenne den Autor aus vielen Forengesprächen und viele der Inhalte bezogen auf die lorna wurden hier eroiert und angesprochen.
25 May 2020, 21:26

Made some Progress with the Cockpit with a bit of delay.
And i chose the darker *FS4097 alike color by Mitsubishi....
27 May 2020, 21:16

Iam sure it would... Both engines looking quite the same btw.. 🙂
31 May 2020, 14:00

Nearly no fit issues experienced at all by now... It is gettin togethe nicely... 👍
2 June 2020, 21:58

Interesting aircraft and reminds me a lot of the Ju-88. Off to a great start. 👍
3 June 2020, 01:10

Great work so far😉
I was tempted yesterday to get mine out of the stash too, after I saw some photos of the captured version.
4 June 2020, 10:41

Hi Soeren and Roberto my dear colleagues...
Thank you much for your kind words much appreciated 👍
Do it Soeren 🙂
4 June 2020, 21:15

Thank you Dave and Cuajete dor the encouraging words 👍
Ready for some IJN Green..
6 June 2020, 14:40

The proportions of this Bird are really strange.
Appears a bit like those egg planes...🙂
But ok it was designed and built for one specific task...
7 June 2020, 20:12

Wow, Baci Perugina!!! I love them. And...great progress, by the way 👍
9 June 2020, 17:13

Ciao Roberto, mi piacciono anche molto...👍
But the box is also ideal to store figures and spare parts ...🙂
9 June 2020, 20:19

Thank you James..much appreciated words..
I tried some streaking weet look from rain on the wings..hope one can see it in the pictures
11 June 2020, 20:04

Of course😉
Sadly currently not that much time for modelling and my Ohka is already waiting for here first layer of paint😉
I hope you are fine too!
12 June 2020, 09:40

Yeah, iam doing fine by now...
No more paralysis in arms and hands since 6,5 weeks 👍
12 June 2020, 13:31

Thank you Cliff, David and Alec..much appreciateD words 👍
Hello and moin ,moin!
It was time for an island holiday
We are really Bad villiains... Johoo!
15 June 2020, 20:03

@frank hehe, perhaps i will bring him wit m to Wilnsdorf next year
@Guy hi, no this was taken on Langeoog, a german Island in the North-Sea and my favorite place to be
beside North-Berwick...
19 June 2020, 20:14

Wow! There's a place better than N Berwick?....try Skegness, Lincolnshire? (y'know "Bomber County"😢
19 June 2020, 20:18

Hi Andy ..not better but it is a small world of its own that slows you and your life down immediately
19 June 2020, 21:36

Hi Guys thank you all for your cheers...
Now back on the bench after 10 days of pure resetting and relaxing.
There are still some really beautiful and peaceful places you van reach in a few hours.
The german islands are small but really gems
23 June 2020, 19:01

Hi Frank , thank you... and yes Fine Molds really did them very well
23 June 2020, 20:17

Thank you Clifford...
What i forgot to mention is thaht before my journey to Langeoog i wanted to give the Lorna a thinned coat of vallejos Ultramatt Varnish with a dip smoke grey in it. For some reason i moved the Comperssor with the Gun connected via the Air tube...
color was already loaded in the cup with no cover added.
An then blam the Gun fell out of the Gunze stand and half of the cup splashed over the Model....
In the forelast pic you can still see the areas where the Varnish was not removed before holiday...
Last pic shows the present state afte an hour of careully scrubbing.
Some of the decals were damaged.. and the canopy became some varnish showering too🙂
The yellow wing bands must be completely reworked.
24 June 2020, 17:38

Hohoo. I made sure to buy the largest plastic chair mat, to avoid spilling stuff on the floor. I don't care about the table because that isn't a part of the apartment, but the floor is a big deal. 🙂 Over the years I have gained some proficiency at not wailing my arms around, still once in a while I knock a glass over elsewhere because I am dumb enough to leave a glass or a cup 15 cm off a table edge, when I know my hands/arms might bump into them. :|
25 June 2020, 18:44

Hi Mates, this is the nearly final result.. Just some few bits lik the un left to add.
Thanks for all your kind comments and attention 👍
@Marcel if you meant worked and for the model too
iam somewaht happy with the outcome despite of the accident with the Varnish.
30 June 2020, 19:20

Thank you mates, much appreciated👍
@andy still some small things to do but comcerning the varnish accident, i would agree that the
Reworking efforts were quite successful.. thank you
1 July 2020, 11:57

Thanky you mates, for your kind and encouraging comments and your attention 👍
This was an easy an funny built except of the Varnish incident..
3 July 2020, 19:04
Album info
Japanese Navy Antisubmarine Aircraft.
As Jens will do The ASV-equipped on with the Antenna, i will do the Version from the Training and Evaluation centre at Saeki, Summer 44 that was equipped with MAD.