Bell X-1 USAF "Glamorous Glennis" 6062Посмотреть: Слайд-шоу Мозаика Список 1May 28, 2020Washing the parts in warm soap water. 2May 28, 2020Sanding down the molded seatbelts and rescribing the seat detail - not finished yet. 3June 12, 2020The chipping didn't work as expected. I guss the hairspray used is not suitable. 4June 14, 2020Painted the yoke. 5June 15, 2020Cut out the decals for the instrument panel. 6June 17, 2020After washing. 7June 28, 2020Painted the instruments with tamiya clear yellow and orange. Added the seatbelts. 8July 17, 2020Didn't pay much attention to the engine. It will disapear in the fuselage anyway. 9July 17, 2020Added a small pipe to the exhaust as seen in reference photos. 10July 30, 2020After weathering the engine. Added wires to the backside of instrument panel. 11August 1, 2020Instrument panel cabels. 12August 1, 2020Additional detail to the yoke. 13August 10, 2020Added detail to the footwell. 14August 29, 2020Added details to the nose gear and it's wheel bay. 15September 9, 2020Details on the main gear bay 16September 9, 2020Used plastic sheet, solder wire, aluminium tape and the rest of a sprue. 17September 9, 2020The default gear bay is not very detailed 18September 19, 2020Washed the gear. 19September 22, 2020Details on the inside. 20September 30, 2020Added 30g of weights behind the cockpit (there is not much space in the nose). Hope, this will work. 21October 4, 2020There is a huge gap between the engine and the fuselage. I solved it adding a 0.64mm styrene rod around the engine. Still needs to be weathered. 22October 15, 2020United fuselage 23November 13, 2020Added the wings. 24November 25, 2020After priming and a lot of sanding - Oh, I hate sanding. 25January 6, 2021Have to paint one final layer. 26January 8, 2021After gloss varnishing and applying the decals. 27January 13, 2021Added the gear. But it's a bit crooked although I was really carefull at the assembly. Have to figure out how I can fix it without breaking it. 28January 26, 2021 29January 26, 2021 30January 26, 2021 31January 26, 2021 32January 26, 2021 33January 26, 2021 Комментарии 31 28 May 2020, 03:47TomGreat work and lovely colour/finish in pic 25 👍 6 January 2021, 04:34airjuneau АвторThanks Tom 🙂 6 January 2021, 15:27James CVery impressive work on the cockpit interior👍 6 January 2021, 16:30airjuneau АвторThanks James, hopefully some of it will be visible in the end 🙂 7 January 2021, 01:31airjuneau АвторThanks again 🙂 31 January 2021, 03:02Project infoBell X-1 USAF "Glamorous Glennis" 6062 (RIP Cuck)33 изображения1:32Завершённые5+Bell XS-1 NACA-National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (1915-1958)High-Speed Flight Station 46-62 Glamorous Glennis (Chuck Yeager)Октябрь 1947 Все альбомыПосмотреть все альбомы »