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Angel Yovtshev (ayovtshev)

Kommandogerät 40, Bulgarian Royal Army, 1940's


13 28 May 2020, 13:54
Looking forward to your build ............
 2 June 2020, 16:06
Ingo F
Nice, will follow. 🙂
 2 June 2020, 17:41
Angel Yovtshev Автор
Thanks Neuling and Ingo F!

It will mostly be an OOB build, with 2 exceptions(aimed to correct mistakes in the kit):
-I'll replace the woven mesh Bronco offers for the foldable platform screens with square PE mesh from Aber,
-I'll modify the rear supports of KdoGer. 40 platform(Bettung), so that the supports do not show under the mesh screens in combat position.

And I'll scratchbuild some equipment/accessories (like firing data distribution box, generator, batteries e.t.c), that will be carried-alongside the Entfernungmesserkasten- in towing trucks load bed.
 4 June 2020, 17:20
Rui S
Amazing detail as usual, especialista on the battery box and generator 👍.
Looking good.
O see a long seam line in the Em-4mR-40?
 4 July 2020, 11:21
Angel Yovtshev Автор
Thanks Rui!
I'll take care for that seam line, yet a big part of it is a sort of rainguard cover 🙂
 4 July 2020, 12:12
Rui S
Yes, i tought you would deal with it in due time 👍 and I see them now, in the box art too 🤔😎
 4 July 2020, 14:16
Alec K
Better late than never, taking a seat. Looks great 👍
 5 July 2020, 12:29
Angel Yovtshev Автор
Thanks Alec!
 6 July 2020, 06:43
Victor Scale Hamster
An interesting project! It's great!
 20 July 2020, 18:11
Angel Yovtshev Автор
Thanks Victor!
 20 July 2020, 18:37
Rui S
As usual a scratchwork art. Nice progress Mate 👍
 22 July 2020, 00:31
Andrea Morris
Watching with interest ..
 30 July 2020, 23:58
Choppa Nutta
Ah cool !
another Angel build, I'm expecting crazy levels of attention to detail here given your previous work😉
 31 July 2020, 00:50
Angel Yovtshev Автор
Thanks for your feedback Rui, Dave and Choppa!
Construction is nearing completion and I hope I'll be able to start spraying paint soon.
 31 July 2020, 17:42
Why on earth do I get to see this new brilliant kit by Angel only to-day ? Two months after start !
 31 July 2020, 18:21
Angel Yovtshev Автор
Better late than never, Olly! 🙂
Thanks, mate!
 31 July 2020, 20:26
Andrea Morris
🙂 🙂
 31 July 2020, 23:18
Joerg R.
always a pleasure to see your builds, Angel!
 1 August 2020, 12:51
Angel Yovtshev Автор
Thanks Joerg!
Reading your comments is always a pleasure too!
 1 August 2020, 15:34
Rui S
Steady, but surely to a Great Finish result as usual. Graet paint job on the KdoGer.40 👍.
 26 September 2020, 10:24
Angel Yovtshev Автор
Thanks Rui!
Tried the new Tamiya's Dunkelgelb 2(XF-88) on it and I'm quite happy with the colour.
 26 September 2020, 14:07
Bogicevic Vladimir
Impressive, as usual. And, what I love the most about your builds, something unique.
 26 September 2020, 22:54
Angel Yovtshev Автор
Thanks Bogi!
 27 September 2020, 06:49
I agree with Vladimir.
 27 September 2020, 08:31
Angel Yovtshev Автор
Thanks Neuling!
Nothing special or unique-I'm just trying to make/build the most of each kit in my stash.
 27 September 2020, 13:12
Alec K
Looking great Angel 👍
 28 September 2020, 11:10
Angel Yovtshev Автор
Thanks, Alec!
 28 September 2020, 11:20

Project info

22 изображения
В работе
1:35 Telemeter KDO Mod.40 (Bronco CB35103)1:35 Heavy Truck "Einheitsfahrerhaus" L-4500 (Zvezda 3647)

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