1999 Chevy Silverado Pickup to a GMC Sierra - wip
16 20 June 2020, 13:01

The main task is the grille. For that I was looking through the internet and found nothing. N o t h i n g coog. After all, I found such a DUB style police GMC in 1/24 scale. The best I could get. I bought it, took it apart and checked the differrent in the scales. A lot. The grill turned out approx. 4mm wider than in 1/25.
20 June 2020, 13:05

Thank you for your interest. At this point I only made a copy of the grill. The bumper isn't that far, but I'll take a copy soon.
I'm taking some Pictures of my equipment / material this evening.
16 July 2020, 04:25

I'm just impressed with your LEGO collection ! LOL ! Living room land mines !
16 July 2020, 04:28

thanks Christian! i think i found them fiberglass-shop.com/epoxy-resin-resinpal-2301, modulor.de/en/pur-g27-fast-cast-resin.html
17 July 2020, 13:39

well, the second one does not sell to private customers.... where do you get yours?
17 July 2020, 13:40

It is more than 15-20 years ago when I bought it. I only remember that it was in a shop near my hometown. Sorry.
17 July 2020, 14:22

After the first try I was astonished! I'll ask my brother which resine he takes.
17 July 2020, 14:28

I don't know. But: I just grabbed it to see, whether there is a date "Best before end of" and I found it. Unbelievable!
So I know, that I definitely bought it more than 15 years ago. The fact, that the price is in Euro, it had to be bought between January 2002 and at least at March 2004.
That is the proof: the date on it could be stretched a little *lol*
17 July 2020, 16:04

I'm still learning to use it. I started last autumn with it. It is still a challenge to build a proper mold and to get the case out without imperfections.
Basically it is easy.
19 July 2020, 22:08

@Nigel: In theory it is, but like with every handcraft you have to practice veeery long and much to get good results.
20 July 2020, 00:38

I'm just making my first foray into making molds too. If all goes well, I'll have a mold set to churn out Big Block chevys by tomorrow. For the little pieces that need a 2 sided mold, I'm trying out using Polymer clay, which can be baked in the oven at 110º C once the impressions from one side of the parts has been taken (don't bake the parts though) Then I put all the parts back in with a little PVA to hold in place, then pour silicone over the top.
25 July 2020, 20:19

I tried blue stuff for the wider wheel houses. That worked not well. The time to use blue stuff is to short to get a good mold of it. So there is no other possibility to build the wheel house extension scratch.
@Chaz. Sounds interesting!
26 July 2020, 20:37

Thank you.
The next parts are done: the toolbox, side window visors and bug deflector.
5 January 2021, 11:57

it s. the small self casted parts needs more time to fit and paint :-D
17 January 2021, 12:53

Now, that both pick ups are done, I uploaded two pictures of both in one picture to compare them. More pictures will follow in the gallery.
At least, we decided, to build another hitch because we saw two different kinds of it. It'll be changeable. Last parts are the antennas. They are not on the kit so far.
26 January 2021, 08:03

Thank you very much! This kit is great and the transformation was a good training to check our skills😉 The GMC came out great and I'm sure, to built a second one.
28 January 2021, 08:23
Album info
I'm converting a Chevy Silverado to a GMC Sierra. ToDos:
- change grille and stuff to GMC
- turn the chassis into a high roller
- put other wheels on it
- add different mirrors
- add side runnig boards
- add fender extentions
- add such a bumper protection
- add a sun visor with position lights
- add side window visors
- add a hitch
- add rear mudd flaps
- add a hugh antenna 😄
- add a tool box on the bed
--- I think that it's all.