Bf 109G-5 Night Fighter (WIP)
18 3 July 2020, 17:51

Thanks mates. I love these kits although I was surprised this time by the gaps between wings upper half and fuselage...
7 July 2020, 11:26

Thanks Nathan, will try to close this build in the next couple of weeks
27 September 2020, 22:22

Yes, it's awesome; unfortunately very few photos, I could only find one of the "White 1", some others for "White 7" and "Yellow 1";
30 September 2020, 09:39

Finished! Final photos will be in a separate album in this project.
3 October 2020, 21:13

Very nice Ricardo, I just started with mine Bf-109E4/7...looking forward for your final pictures.
3 October 2020, 21:27

Hi all! Final pictures of the Bf 109 are now in the new album under the same project. Hope you like it: Bf 109G-5 Night Fighter | Album by RReis (1:48)
3 October 2020, 23:01