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Lenny Li (Dell007)

1/35 Meng Israel IDF Magach 6B Gal


31 8 May 2021, 09:55
Lenny Li Автор
My first attempt to build an IDF vehicle!
 8 May 2021, 09:56
Mission accomplished! Top result. Inspiring weathering.
 8 May 2021, 10:18
Guillaume Boulanger
Very nice build , i like your weathering
 8 May 2021, 11:42
James C
Your dusting and general weathering is superb! 👍
 8 May 2021, 17:33
Stephen G
This is incredible. The attention to detail is superb. I wish I knew how to weather the armour how you have. Great work!!
 8 May 2021, 20:37
Rui S
Great work 👍
 8 May 2021, 21:59
Eric Thornton
That came out great, nice job!
 8 May 2021, 22:49
Ade Spall
Wow. Love it!
 20 August 2021, 08:23
first attempt, and probably it will not be the last. beautiful result
 20 August 2021, 08:26
Simon Nagorsnik
great weathering
 22 August 2021, 17:19
Shar Dipree
Very nice Magach and a beautiful and coherent weathering. 👍 👍 👍
 21 June 2023, 18:06
Michael Kohl
Hell of a Magach.
 21 June 2023, 18:10

Project info

18 изображения
1:35 Magach 6B Gal (Meng Model TS-044)1:35 IDF Tank Crew (Meng Model HS-002)

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