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Larry Cherniak (Messaschnitzel)

Convair XF-92A Dart

Photo 1 of 14


15 15 July 2021, 02:31
Oleg Bogolei
nice subject and clean work!
 15 July 2021, 06:32
Mark K
Gorgeous model!
 15 July 2021, 07:28
Robert Podkoński
It is done from a Mach 2 kit?! You're a wizard, Larry! Respect!
 15 July 2021, 07:32
Łukasz Gliński
Very cool! And it's Mach2! 👍 👍 👍
 15 July 2021, 07:39
Larry Cherniak Автор
Thanks, all! Wait until you see my MACH2 Sea Dart, it came out even better.
 16 July 2021, 01:15
B. M.
Excellent! Can't wait for the Sea Dart!
 16 July 2021, 06:05
Robert Podkoński
Waiting impatiently 😉 - I have once assembled Sea Dart too, but it is nothing to be proud of...
 16 July 2021, 06:51
John Thomas
Very cool
 16 July 2021, 15:51

Album info

A simple clean build of this early delta winged jet.

14 изображения
1:72 Convair XF-92 (MACH 2 GP.045)

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