Lando's millenium falcon - bandai - WIP
Photo 1 of 14
8 11 September 2021, 19:38

I'm certainly going to follow this one. Very interesting pre shading technique 👍
11 September 2021, 19:48

Hello torsten, i hope i can make myself clear and making sense, first a base of flat black is applied, i have tried alclad black base and it doesnt work (for me at least), has to be flat. Then, using a fine/medium airbrush - for this i used iwata hp-ch - i started to make dodles with fine lines with very thined flat white, trying not to cover but to have texture, and then a fine mist to integrete it all, but always working one panel at a time. I used tamiya for this thined witg yellow cap thinner. Its a slow job, and be ready to stop at times because the hand hurts.
12 September 2021, 13:35

Looking with envy at pictures 2, my Falcon does (theforce awakens version) does not hac those inerior details... :_(
12 September 2021, 14:04