The content of the box.
After seeing the only build video that I've found about the kit, I was expecting a complicated endeavour.
Actually, it was not so. There were parts that needed cleanup and some bad fittings, but overall all was manageable.
Since I did not expect much from the kit, I've used it to try some panel line emphasizing.
I failed, so I decided to repaint the model and leave it as it was intended.
After all, it is a kit created in the eighties, with limited detail.
It has raised panel lines, sometimes bad fitting pieces, and crude detail, but it was fun to build.
It actually came off better than one of those fancy Revell airliners that I still struggle to get right.
The Polish red-white insignia from the wings were supposed to be placed asymmetrically, but it looked weird to me. I opted to place them in standard positions, since I don't aim for historical accuracy.
Together with its Albatros D.III brother at scale 1:48, also from MisterCraft.
This one is waiting for usable decals, since the original set that came in the box was bad and it broke up in many and small pieces when it came in contact with water.
That is all for now.
I might try it again, after I develop some more modelling skills.
Thank you for watching!
8 20 November 2021, 13:30
Album info
This is the first of the airplanes I've built that looks good enough to be shared.
After watching the video from ModelMinutes, and the bad review resulting from it, I approached the kit as a learning experience, not expecting mch of a result. But the build was a lot of fun and the finished model looks quite nice.
I am not an experienced modeler, I still have a lot to learn. My builds are by no means perfect,but each one gets better, step by step.
Instruments used: a cutting knife for parts, a pair of tweezers, a sanding stick, sanding paper of grit 800, some laundry hooks, MrSurfacer 500 liquid putty.