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Simontie (simontie)

Citroen H type heller kit

Photo 1 of 8


15 28 January 2022, 16:15
Alex K
Guinness is good for you! 👍
 28 January 2022, 16:26
Simontie Автор
🤣🤣 enjoyable build but had its moments thank you
 28 January 2022, 16:37
Alan Kingston
That's lovely. Was it a tricky build?
 28 January 2022, 17:17
Robert Podkoński
 28 January 2022, 17:39
Dietmar Bogatzki
Agree with Robert 👍
 28 January 2022, 17:52
Thomas Bischoff
love it 👍
 28 January 2022, 18:43
Simontie Автор
Alan K no not to difficult but there are a few errors in the plans wrong item numbers and placement of parts some small parts were very brittle. But that said i quite enjoyed it.. finding the cream was a chore ended up using a rattle can

 28 January 2022, 18:58
Alan Kingston
 28 January 2022, 21:06
Ron Kok
That is a verry nice Citroen H like the color scheme and the beer commercial. But why resin tyres?
 19 March 2022, 23:24
Very nice
 20 March 2022, 03:51
Simontie Автор
Ron kok Resin tyres were easier to white wall and looked more in keeping with the style of the truck
 20 March 2022, 06:16
Nice build and presentation!
 20 March 2022, 09:47

Project info

8 изображения
1:24 Citroën Fourgon Type H (Heller 80768)1:24 Set of 4 Resin Tyres (Motobitz MBA24001)1:24 Guinness Delivery Van (Motobitz MBD24002)

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