2021 Builds
Photo 1 of 15
38 5 March 2022, 23:22

Thank you Simon , pick-up still isn't complete (the real one isn't yet either)
5 March 2022, 23:49

You did some great work last year
Looking forward to see more of your work this year
7 March 2022, 17:08

That's a good collection of projects Mona. I really like your bases! You have a knack for good ground work. 👍🏻
7 March 2022, 17:11

Thank you , Carlos I appreciate your comments , input and advise always a pleasure to hear from you .
8 March 2022, 02:01

nice colecction. pity you deleted the album on the Merkava, it was easier to find it as reference....
14 March 2022, 20:31

@Spanjaard I still have all the pic's of the Merkava Mk1 and the Mk3 builds, still could create a new album, I had great expectations for the diorama that went with the Mk1 ,project stalled perhaps when it's properly completed ..I will upload a Mk1 album Redux 🤔
14 March 2022, 23:12

@ Neuling yes it was ,I purchased and collected more that I built ..I've gotten more aircraft this year than in the past ..two AFV's (on deck)yet to complete ,soon I shall upload more pic's
17 July 2022, 16:22

@Jonn ,thank you ,he could be saying that or venting because he didn't assist with that drum
31 August 2022, 13:28
Album info
photos of the models I built in 2021