F-86F Sabre "MiG Killer"Посмотреть: Слайд-шоу Мозаика Список 1March 19, 2022Completed, finally! 2March 19, 2022Completed, finally! 3March 19, 2022Completed, finally! 4March 19, 2022Completed, finally! 5March 19, 2022Completed, finally! 6March 19, 2022Completed, finally! 7March 19, 2022Completed, finally! 8March 19, 2022Closeup of the painted identification band (correct this time, but previous attempt is discernible beneath it). 9March 19, 2022I had some strange brainfart when I painted the first identification band. It was angled too much towards front and way too narrow to boot. 10March 19, 2022My hi-tech measuring tools when I was masking the identification band again. These were cut from used decal sheet paper and marked with intended width (approx 17, 13 and narrow slip 2 mm each). Комментарии 13 19 March 2022, 12:21Villiers de VosVery nice. 19 March 2022, 18:04Jonkka АвторThanks! My experience with this project is detailed in my comment here: F-86F Sabre "MiG Killer" | Project by Jonkka (1:48) 20 March 2022, 10:03NeulingVery nice indeed! 👍 20 March 2022, 10:06Villiers de VosThank you for the link. 20 March 2022, 18:27Project infoF-86F Sabre "MiG Killer"10 изображения1:48ЗавершённыеNorth American F-86F Sabre US Air Force (1947-now)39 FIS, 51 FIW 51-12958 (Capt. Harold E. Fischer)1953 Korean War - Korea NMF Все альбомыПосмотреть все альбомы »