Super Etendard kitty Hawk
September 11, 2022First problem in my face..... the Pj productions pilot seems to be ultra big! but I'm sure the problem is the Kitty hawk ... the seat seems to be too small. The oilot compared with other pilots of other kits have a "standard" size....2
September 11, 2022No problem... I found a freeware pilot and i 3d modeled the helmet to be suitable to this model and I scaled the size to be suitable to this model3
September 11, 20224
September 11, 2022the 3d print was succesfull5
September 11, 20226
September 11, 2022it fits nice in the cockpit7
September 11, 2022he can reach the controls and fit in the seat8
September 11, 20229
September 11, 2022Once painted the result I think is nice10
September 11, 2022I have added some details as the oxygen tube and the life vest11
September 11, 202212
September 11, 202213
September 11, 202214
September 11, 202215
September 11, 2022the cockpit seems to fit nicely16
September 11, 202217
September 11, 202218
September 11, 2022Other present from the extinct kitty hawk.... extremely ugly expulsion "marks" you have enpugh plastic for make another kit...
September 11, 2022general parts of the fuse tack held to check the fitting20
September 11, 2022a bit complex fitings21
September 11, 2022interios have been painted black and the engine in the colours suggested... nothing is going to be visible. Except by the intake ducts.... obviously no intake tubes exist....22
September 11, 202223
September 11, 2022tailcone have to be riveted... no rivets in this part of the kit, although in the instructions profiles they clearly appear....24
September 11, 202225
September 11, 202226
September 11, 2022intakes have a bit complex join27
September 11, 2022top deck installed...28
September 11, 2022Another incongruency of the kit..... The Kit comes to make it with flaps deployed only... but when the Super Etendard Deploy the flaps also deploy the slats.... so I have to make some scratchbuilding to make it look accurate29
September 11, 2022Not dificult modification30
September 11, 2022at the left you can see how many parts the wing came. so only need to cut the tip slat and join yo the centre one31
September 11, 202232
September 11, 2022Here one small problem... if you make this kit I suggest to join the tailcone to the rest of the fuse prior to joining both halves, this way will fit better33
September 11, 202234
September 11, 202235
September 11, 2022Another present of Kitty.... horrible non plastic filled areas36
September 11, 2022solved with a drop of CA37
September 11, 2022general assembly38
September 11, 202239
September 11, 2022Flap pylons glued together... no comments better...40
September 11, 202241
September 11, 2022the underside of the kit in the instructions seems to be simple and with only a pair of ventilation grilles.42
September 11, 2022the kit came with some holes that have to be filled with some parts that are in the plastic sprues but that aren't referred in the instruction book43
September 11, 2022the fitting of this parts is..... Horrible44
September 11, 2022photoetched spoilers45
September 11, 2022flaps have also missing position holes46
September 11, 202247
September 11, 202248
September 11, 2022i glued some spacers on the first flap to ensure clearance49
September 11, 202250
September 11, 202251
September 11, 202252
September 11, 2022profiles of the booklet seems some missing rivets on the ailerons53
September 11, 2022no problem....54
September 11, 202255
September 11, 202256
September 11, 202257
September 11, 202258
September 11, 2022Remember the missign grilles of the belly... I traced it on the CAD program and cut in 0.30 evergreen sheet with my plotter59
September 11, 2022base realde filled and sanded60
September 11, 2022grilles in place61
September 11, 2022Another problem of the kit... i noticed that some small parts just came unfilled of plastic so they are missing... this is the case of this periscope duct... Only came one of the two that the kit have... so I prepared a mould to copy it62
September 11, 2022blue is silicone mould, at left the original part, right the copy63
September 11, 2022both periscopes installed64
September 11, 2022i also cut custom canopy masks with the plotter65
September 11, 2022black based66
September 11, 202267
September 11, 2022the aded parts seems nice68
September 11, 2022the tail cone join is not of my like...69
September 11, 202270
September 11, 2022i prepared it to be filled with acrylic putty71
September 11, 202272
September 11, 202273
September 11, 2022marbling applied74
September 11, 202275
September 11, 2022first camouflage colour76
September 11, 202277
September 11, 2022second colour78
September 11, 202279
September 11, 202280
September 11, 202281
September 11, 202282
September 11, 202283
September 11, 202284
September 11, 202285
September 11, 202286
September 11, 2022start decalling... I must say that kitty hawk decals are quite good!87
September 11, 2022this decal doesn't fit the space properly so I have to split in tree parts, latelly i will complete the red lines88
September 11, 202289
September 11, 202290
September 11, 202291
September 11, 202292
September 11, 202293
September 11, 202294
September 11, 202295
October 23, 2022matt varnished! ready for oil paints!96
October 23, 202297
October 23, 202298
October 23, 202299
October 23, 2022100
February 8, 2023I started weathering the underside with Oil paints101
February 8, 2023I tried to work al the stains and streaks of dirt in the most realistic way I could102
February 8, 2023Left wing ready... right to do103
February 8, 2023Underside finished104
February 8, 2023105
February 8, 2023Time to go to upper side106
February 8, 2023107
February 8, 2023I tried to simulate all the dirt on the Walkable parts of the plane108
February 8, 2023109
February 8, 2023110
February 8, 2023111
February 8, 2023112
February 8, 2023Almost finished! let only to paint the light and mount the Nou Nou Pod113
March 11, 2023114
March 11, 2023115
March 11, 2023116
March 11, 2023117
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March 11, 2023129
March 11, 2023130
March 11, 2023
30 11 September 2022, 18:20

thanks mates! the truth is that a lot of effort and work was involved to finish it. I'm quite happy with the result
12 March 2023, 19:10
Album info
At the beginning it is going to be a fast build to enjoy the scale modelling but it turned a bit complex....