Guy RumpLooking great. 👍
27 December 2022, 22:20
Bernhard SchrockA one more Ronan-jewel at the bench: a front row seat please! 🙂
28 December 2022, 05:51
Harry EderFollowing of course! Great start Ronan! 👍
28 December 2022, 07:35
Ronan АвторMany thanks, mates 😉
28 December 2022, 08:01
David TaylorLooks brilliant,sitting in.
28 December 2022, 08:30
Tom B.Another great chopper going on! Watching this 👍
28 December 2022, 13:30
Живко ДжаковOne seat next to Bernhard in the front row please!
29 December 2022, 11:03
FinnLooking really, good!
29 December 2022, 12:20
Michael KohlRonan, I should not follow your builds. It only results in a bad conscience when I cut corners in my projects. 😉
29 December 2022, 17:54
Bernd GrünI'm in. Another masterpiece is rising.👍🏻
29 December 2022, 19:07
Ronan АвторI'm sorry Michael 😉
29 December 2022, 19:15
Michael KohlRonan, there is one way only to compensate for that: keep up the quality and us posted. 🙂
29 December 2022, 19:30
Jorge FerreiraI`m sorry but I must say ....what are those seat belts doing there. They don`t look good. At least to my eyes. You are building a master piece. Fantastic job.
29 December 2022, 19:42
JuskifoTravail très soigner sur ce Seabat Ronan💪
29 December 2022, 20:09
Ronan АвторMerci 😉
29 December 2022, 20:41
CuajeteGreat job so far!
31 December 2022, 19:53
Ronan АвторMany thanks,
I will start the paintjob soon
31 December 2022, 21:05
Sy BarLocking fab
1 January 2023, 10:26
1 January 2023, 20:59
José PiresGraet work!it looks stunning!
14 January 2023, 22:40
Ronan АвторMany thanks, mates 😉
15 January 2023, 19:49
Maciej BellosStunning build Ronan, as usual!
15 January 2023, 20:06
CuajeteGreat job and impressive result so far!
16 January 2023, 18:55
Ronan АвторMuchas gracias amigos 😉
17 January 2023, 10:30
Donald Dickson IIThis is the kind of stuff that makes me not even want to touch the other kits of this I have.
20 January 2023, 03:25
Harry EderGreat paintjob and detail so far! 👍 Awesome job like always... 😉
20 January 2023, 05:44
Ronan АвторMany thanks , mates
I will try to complete this weekend
20 January 2023, 08:06
Łukasz GlińskiDon, you're absolutely right! Ronan's project always help me to narrow down my to-do-list 😉
20 January 2023, 08:27
Juergen KlinglhuberWhenever I see pictures from your models I get enthusiastic about this hobby - amazing what you (and of course many other scalemates too) can make out of some plastic parts. 👍
20 January 2023, 10:23
DickWow.. what a beauty👍🏻!
An impressive paintjob for this helicopter. I always liked the complete yellow SAR version of the RAF, but this scheme is great also!
20 January 2023, 12:03
Michael KohlScale 1:72. That is just unbelievable.
20 January 2023, 12:26
Guy RumpSuperb build, very impressive. 👍
20 January 2023, 18:12
FinnFantastic, really impressive!
20 January 2023, 18:49
Noël BossaertQuel travail magnifique!
Et au 72 en plus... je reste admiratif.
20 January 2023, 20:07
Łukasz GlińskiBusiness as usual with our chopper master - incredibly real! 👍
20 January 2023, 20:57
Ronan АвторMerci, many thanks all for nice coments 😉
See you on the next build ...
20 January 2023, 20:59
CuajeteWow... Great job as always!
21 January 2023, 18:42
21 January 2023, 18:50
Zsolt CzegleReally awesome masterpiece, as usual! 👍
21 January 2023, 20:33
Eric DuvalSuperbe 🙂 tu as réussi finalement à retirer l'intrus, bravo il est magnifique
22 January 2023, 13:39
Ronan АвторMerci Éric
Oui, non sans mal 😉
22 January 2023, 20:38
Ronan АвторMerci 😉
27 March 2023, 19:44
Ronan АвторMany thanks
28 March 2023, 11:44