R4D-8 Polar Delivery
41 6 March 2023, 15:22

My conversion of the EE R4D-8 kit for polar operations. I extended the nose for the weather radar using Aves Apoxie Sculpt and used skis from the Minicraft R4D-5. Antennas were cut from a styrene sheet or sourced from other kits.
7 March 2023, 21:48

Thanks Erik & James. I was just looking for an excuse to use that AK Real Luminous Orange. Different type of paint for sure. Reminded me of their clear colors.
10 March 2023, 01:55

Thank you Oliver and Guy! Also thanks for all the likes mates.
11 March 2023, 00:51

Thanks Neil! At some time in the future I'd love to build this in a larger scale.
13 April 2023, 12:31

Nathan, Very nice work. Yes, excellent Int'l orange paint. Is it like the old testors Model Master day-glo, very thin? I think I always sprayed over flat white to help "catch" the orange paint better. Your kit turned out real well. Kind regards, Dutch
17 April 2023, 10:08

Thank you Robert & Dutch!
Dutch: Yes, I had to paint it over white. The way it painted reminded me of those clear colors that Tamiya and AK make. You had to keep layering it until the color was more solid.
17 April 2023, 13:29

Thanks very much Mr James. After building this little guy I have the urge to build it again in a larger scale.
21 November 2023, 15:24