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Jakub Biganovsky (jbigi)

Spitfire Mk IX BS342

Photo 1 of 22


16 7 March 2023, 21:38
Robert Podkoński
Good job!
 9 March 2023, 20:46
Bernd Grün
Excellent build. 👍
 9 March 2023, 21:28

Album info

So.......other topic in my meny years "spitfire" saga is finaly done. Hmmmmm....I will need to correct some details due to local errors in last step. What copd I do.

Anyway; back to the BS342. It was produced as Mk VC and rebuild on...who knows. Books say MkIX; some titles at internet say (under one picture only) Mk VII.....Hard to say what is correct. I finalized it based on one picture published by AJ-Press.
The early conversion from Mk V to Mk IX is very specific - high altitude wing, aboukir trop pfilter and using of original engine nacel elongate by additional panels.

I tried to wash it by usign of philters to get "smooth" colors.

22 изображения
1:72 Naši se vracejí (Eduard 2120)

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