Guy RumpFollowing. 👍
5 April 2023, 21:12
FinnLooking good, will follow
6 April 2023, 07:08
Ronan АвторMerci,
Oui la peinture est mon activité favorite, donc je suis toujours pressé d'arriver à cette étape
6 April 2023, 16:09
6 April 2023, 18:05
Harry EderI must have missed this one. Great progress Ronan! 👍
20 April 2023, 17:22
Ronan АвторMany thanks, Harry 😉
20 April 2023, 19:14
Michael KohlHo ha, another must-follow.
20 April 2023, 19:20
Naramsuperb! can I ask metallic wire you used and which blue paint ?
20 April 2023, 19:58
Ronan АвторThanks Pierre,
Copper wire 0,3 mm ; Gunze H54 Navy blue
20 April 2023, 21:09
Naramthank you!
20 April 2023, 21:14
Daniel KlinkRonan the Heli master👍
Mach 2 wow!
20 April 2023, 21:17
Guy RumpBeautiful build. 👍
30 April 2023, 11:12
Ronan АвторMany thanks 😉
30 April 2023, 11:39
VincentVery strange looking heli. Very nice result🙂
30 April 2023, 16:09
Michael KohlGreat result on this unusual heli.
30 April 2023, 16:18
Ronan АвторMany thanks, mates
1 May 2023, 06:57
NeulingVery appealing build in every aspect!
1 May 2023, 09:25
EkkiWonderful work!
1 May 2023, 20:26
KonradAs usually outstanding work!
1 May 2023, 20:28
Ronan АвторMany thanks 😉
2 May 2023, 04:59
Slavo HazuchaOne of your "classics" paint-jobs again 👍 plus a really well built model too! 😉
2 May 2023, 12:24
Alain CourougeExcellent work. From a Mach2 kit..... Bravo.
2 May 2023, 14:54
ClementSimply amazing!
3 May 2023, 05:40
Ronan АвторMany thanks, mates 😉
3 May 2023, 06:09
Ronan АвторThanks Juergen 😉
5 May 2023, 17:49
Rui SWell Done 👍
7 May 2023, 17:53