SO Djinn 1221 - in civil service
60 14 April 2023, 15:38

That's a challenge! I will watch this talent-show with pleasure for sure, Juergen. Keep it up!
14 April 2023, 15:45

So I have started this gem 😉
The kit is anyhow nothing that one would call unpretentious and then it unvealed a "bonus" exersise when I opened the box. Transparent parts for the windows could not be used as they where yellowed quite bad. I took the challenge to redo it by myself.
@Robert - Thx for your interesst and welcome.
14 April 2023, 16:12

Looks like the oven sorta worked. For the future you can buy a great dental vacuform on Amazon for around 130 or you could make one much cheaper with a heat gun and a vacuum cleaner.
14 April 2023, 16:21

That's just my taste! You hit it exactly with your comment on the first picture: What a filigree beauty!
But can you build such a rarity? (As far as I know, Extratech is out of business? Some accessory kits had resurfaced at Karaya.) Yes, you can!
Watching for sure!
14 April 2023, 19:10

Thank you mates or your cmments.
And a special thx to Skyhiker - those dental vacuformers are looking quite promising. 👍 I guess I will consider this next time.
15 April 2023, 14:33

Thanky you Finn & Villiers!
Paint job ist done - I have started assembly work,....
21 April 2023, 05:33

Juergen: du kriegst ein Orden, alleine für die Tapferkeit gegenüber diesem Kit (den Kit habe ich auch...). DIY-Klarteile sehen klasse aus. Bin gespannt aufs Gesamtergebnis.🙂
21 April 2023, 06:50

Beautiful work with the cockpit - such a delicate overall construction - amazing work!
21 April 2023, 15:23

@Bernhard - Freue mich riesig, dass die Arbeit und der Kit (bzw. der Schritt diesen zu Bauen) so gut ankommt. 👍 Danke für den motivierenden Kommentar.
@S M and Tyson: also a big thank you for your compliments. I'm glad you like it.
21 April 2023, 17:38

Wow, excellent build. Great job on the canopy rescue. I must second the dental vac machine mentioned earlier, it work great 👍
22 April 2023, 11:16

Thank you Transall NG, Alec K, Michael Kohl & Oliver Zwiener - Allways good to receive such nice comments.
5 May 2023, 16:58

Happy to anounce that my little Djinn (french civilian version F-GHiG) is off the bench. DONE with this one!
5 May 2023, 16:59

Congrats, Juergen! Awesome work! (far beyond my capabilities and patience,.. 😉 )
5 May 2023, 17:02

That's a tour-de-force... respects! Also thumbs-up for going for a civilian livery... 👍 👍
5 May 2023, 18:36

Ja - das eine Bild - im web gefunden - hat mich auch augenblicklich überzeugt mal weg vom military-look zu gehen...Thx
7 May 2023, 17:23