I removed the molded gunside scope becauseit didn't look very good or in scale. I hope to make a now one or leave it of. I also recribed some panal lines after sanding. The raised rivit detial is unfortunately gone.
The landing gear is glued in the up position. The kit doesn't give the option to display this plane in flight so I had to remove some material to make this work.
I trimmed all the decals anf fixed some of them with paint in the best way i could. After that I gave it a clear coat. The upper side was give na wash of medium tan for ammo. This was probably a bit to much but I wasn't a focused anymore after the decal problems.
I added de exhaust smoke with a mix of lamp black and burned umber oil paint. I also added some dust to the walk way and some with oil paint to the control surfaces to indicate other materials.
The canopy unfortunately is ruined forn the inside. I didn't think thing true and the abcence of a cockpit floor and gear bay means that all your paint can enter the cocpit and hit your canopy for the inside.
I made this model with the wheels up because I wanted to try and make a little display stand for common materials. I started with a few layers a thick packing paper.
I saw this old kit at a hobby store and it looked fun ot build. I want to make it a fast project to work on.
The build was fast and I tested some new thinks on the stand I made.
Unfortunaly this kit is very old so some problems did occure during this build.
- Very bad decals
The scheme options are very nice but the decals crack easily and they are translucent. some are also to big.
- no cockpit floor and gear bay
This sound like something that is common with these old kit but I ruined my end result because of this. I added the canopy before painting but that resulted I paint getting stuck on the inside of the canopy because the spray for the airbrush can hit the canopy form to wheel bay that also doesn't exist.
- Very bad pilot figure.
The pilot figure looks really bad and you need to add one to hide the empty void of a cockpit.