Alpha Model 1/24 Ferrari F8 Spider // Flocking and interior tub assembly
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3 25 May 2023, 06:54
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ALPHA Model 1/24 Ferrari F8 Spider // Flocking and interior tub assembly
Like mentioned in previous post this time I will show you process of flocking and assembly of the interior tub.
The process begins with applying of white glue on the tub, next I put on some black flocking to add some realism to the tub.
To finish todays post the middle console and floor mats which were all painted with AMMO by Mig Jimenez paints supplied by
In the next post I will show you assembly of the dashboard and door panels.
#alphamodel #ferrari #f8spider #scalemodel #mg_csmw #interior #leather #airbrush #ammobymigjimenez #miniatures #painting