Moon over London
- Масштаб:
- 1:4
- Статус:
- Завершённые
- Начатые:
- March 10, 2020
- Завершённые:
- June 30, 2020
- Времени потрачено:
- 26 hrs
Update 2018 version
Состав проекта
Scratchbuilt No kits or aftermaket sets are attached.
1 28 July 2020, 08:13

What else can I say? You are a sculpting genius! I'm sure you could find employment in the film industry if you were so inclined.
29 July 2020, 02:41

Holy moly that's bloody marvelous depiction of David Naughton transformation ala Rick Baker!
29 July 2020, 02:45

Thx for the comments. This character, like 'The thing', plays a very nostalgic role in my life🙂
29 July 2020, 09:00