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Anthony May (mainthedevil)

Обо мне

Anthony May
US Соединенные Штаты Америки
Участник с:
April 16, 2015
scalemates.com (Scale modeling)
papermates.net (Paper modeling)
gundammates.com (Gundam modeling)
railwaymates.com (Train modeling)
diecastmates.com (Diecast models)
rcmates.net (RC modeling)
I enjoy building 1/35 Armor, primarily from WW2 & 1/72 Aircraft, also primarily from WW2.
I got interested in model building after growing up watching my father build, collect & display his builds (and his stash that looked like a wall of models in his office.) I didn't start building in earnest right away though because my first few attempts turned into unfortunate misadventures. I was just too hyper!

In the meantime I got hooked on World of Tanks & then Steel Titans which got me positively addicted to armor. As a result I gravitated more towards AFVs than to the aircraft my father loves. (I still like warplanes & want to build more of them.)

Last year (2023) I had a terrible reaction to Covid-19, possibly a completely unique reaction, because the Mayo Clinic is studying my case. Although I became incredibly sick & had to be treated for dehydration. The worst part was that the virus attacked my eyes & nobody knows why. I went to sleep early in the evening of February 13th with 20/20 vision & awoke in the evening of February 14th unable to see anything. I was terribly sensitive to light. I could vaguely see movement but that was it. For over a month I couldn't do anything. I couldn't work, I couldn't dial a phone, I couldn't talk to anyone online, I couldn't watch videos, I couldn't play the games I loved & I certainly couldn't build models. All I could really do is sit in my darkened room, listen to my playlists when my parents would bring them up for me, think, imagine things or count.

Although I eventually got some of my vision back it's still far from perfect. I'm still legally blind & can't read anything smaller than about a half an inch (Thank goodness for the zoom function on browsers.) I still have a hard time dealing with very bright light too. I was almost ready to leave home & become purely self reliant but now I'm back to relying on my parents more than I have in half a lifetime. Both of my parents are really patient with me though & have helped me make a disability claim which went through pretty quick. Still it's less money than what I was making working a simple job so I don't know what I'm going to do in the future.

As far as our hobby goes, for model building, I rely a lot on magnification lenses & even then I need a lot of help from my father. I know I'll never be a top tier modeler now but it's still really hard to accept. As the son of a modeler, who himself was the son of a modeler, I always wanted to be able to build something that would "wow" my father. My father finally was able to do that with my grandfather when he wasn't much older than I am now. I was already at a disadvantage due to my colorblindness making it difficult to perceive MANY colors. My Pegasus Hobbies Me-262 for example. I still can't tell the difference between the green portions & the gray-violet color. If I didn't know the belly was a very pale blue I'd swear it was white. (I can't remember the RLM colors.)


Модельные клубы

Я не член клуба масштабного моделирования.

Любимые веб-журналы

Нет конкретных веб-журналов

Форумы масштабного моделирования

Facebook Global Modelers Society
Facebook Scale Model Society

Журналы по масштабному моделированию

FineScale Modeler
Scale Aircraft Modelling

Модельные магазины

В моём списке любимого нет ни одного магазина

Диапазон красок

Я использую следующие краски на регулярной основе:

Model Master
Ammo by Mig Jimenez

Любимые весы




Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress Авиация » Винтовые | US 1941–1959

Boeing B-29 Superfortress Авиация » Винтовые | US 1944–1965

Boeing B-52 Stratofortress Авиация » Реактивные | US 1955–Сейчас

Convair B-36 Peacemaker Авиация » Винтовые | US 1946–1959

Grumman F-14 Tomcat Авиация » Реактивные | US 1970–Сейчас

Lockheed F-35 Lightning II Авиация » Реактивные | US 2006–Сейчас

Messerschmitt Me 163 Komet Авиация » Реактивные | 3R 1941–1945

Messerschmitt Me 262 Авиация » Реактивные | 3R 1944–1951

North American F-82 Twin Mustang Авиация » Винтовые | US 1945–1953

North American P-51 Mustang Авиация » Винтовые | US 1942–1984

Vought F4U Corsair Авиация » Винтовые | US 1942–1979

Транспортные средства

BT tank Транспортные средства » Танки | SU 1932–1945

Iosif Stalin tank JS/JSU Транспортные средства » Танки | SU 1943–1975

Jagdpanzer 38(t) Hetzer Sd.Kfz. 138/2 Транспортные средства » Истребители танков | 3R 1944–1960

Kliment Voroshilov tank (KV) Транспортные средства » Танки | SU 1939–1945

Landkreuzer P.1000 Ratte Транспортные средства » Танки | 3R Нет линеек красок

M3 Lee Grant Транспортные средства » Танки | US 1942–1945

M4 Sherman Medium Tank, M4 Транспортные средства » Танки | US 1940–2023

Panzerkampfwagen V Panther Sd.Kfz. 171 Транспортные средства » Танки | 3R 1943–1952

Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I Sd.Kfz. 181 Транспортные средства » Танки | 3R 1942–1945

Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger II Sd.Kfz. 182 Транспортные средства » Танки | 3R 1943–1945

Pz.Sfl. IV Dicker Max Транспортные средства » Истребители танков | 3R 1941–1943

Sturer Emil SPG Транспортные средства » Истребители танков | 3R 1941–1942

T-28 Транспортные средства » Танки | SU 1932–1945

T-35 Транспортные средства » Танки | SU 1932–1941

Willys Jeep Willys MB / Ford GPW Транспортные средства » Машины | US 1941–1953


Мои следующие события

У меня сейчас нет ничего в моей повестке дня.


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