Альбомы (41)
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6 изображения
Panther V1 with King Tiger running gear
I captured all detail of this prototype running gear. The first wheel station has differences on the wheel clamp. Someth...
29 изображения
Tiger Ausf. H1 Leningrad '42. Abt. 502 Turret 111
Calling it done here, time budget is used up.
29 изображения
VK45.02 (P) 
My very first attempt in all grey. I didn't know better back than.. : )
Проект: VK45.02 (P)
4 изображения
Building the Rammtiger
Out of the box build. Tracks I have to design and print.
Проект: Rammtiger
33 изображения
Tiger Ausf. H1 Tunisia
Done for now till I come around doing the vignette
Проект: Tiger Ausf. H1 in Tunesia
33 изображения
Unf*cking a Dragon Models K5 I bought used.
that's the subject...
Проект: K5 Leopold
6 изображения
WIP Panther 845 of the Pz.Abt. 52 Kursk '43
Here I start, the Zvezda Panther is not a bad kit at all, at least it is more complete than the Dragon ones.
13 изображения
3D Printed workable tracks WIP
More or less the final result (minus cleanup) So far I'm very happy about them - not because they are pretty, there is s...
Проект: Flakpanzer I
6 изображения
Dragon 2cm FlaK 38 late
Top part of the mesh needs to folded from flat stock, 3D organic shape is asked a bit too much imho. Lower portion was p...
Проект: Flakpanzer I
8 изображения
Progress on the VK 30.01
Finished, it was a nice, fast and enjoyable build.
Проект: VK 30.01 (H)