Conn! Sonar! Crazy Ivan!
- Масштаб:
- 1:700
- Статус:
- Завершённые
- Начатые:
- January 1, 2022
- Завершённые:
- March 17, 2022
A redemption build! I originally bought this set on a school trip in 6th or 7th grade from some military surplus store in Mystic, CT. I was a big fan of Tom Clancy at the time: sank hours into Rainbow Six on pc, loved The Hunt For Red October, and thought the Typhoon was the coolest sub. I figured it wouldn't be hard to build and paint, even at that age. It's only two colors! How could I go wrong?
Well of course, I'd never heard of masking tape so I messed it up. My grandpa helpfully suggested paint thinner to correct it, but he wasn't a modeler and had no idea what happens when you put lacquer thinner on styrene. Neither did I since...well, I was like 12. With the Typhoon ruined, I just didn't care about the Dallas...and eventually junked the whole thing.
So in 2020 when I found this set for a whopping $10 at Time Machine Hobby in Manchester, CT I knew I needed to try again. I couldn't possibly mess it up, I mean, I'm sooooo much better at models now. This time, the build went fine and I'm happy with the Typhoon, and a little less happy with the Dallas (due to experimenting with gloss clear coats).
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