4D Puzzle Model | No. | 1:6

- Бренд:
- 4D Puzzle Model
- Наслов:
- MG42
- Размера:
- 1:6
- Тип:
- Целовита макета
- Тематика:
- MG 42 » Митраљези (Ватрено оружје)
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Сродни производи

WWII German Mg42 Machine Gun And Ammo Box (3D Printed) (Universal)
E.T. Model 1:6
P06-001 In-box рецензије
Екстерне рецензије
Није нам позната ни једна In-box рецензија за ово MG42 (#) од 4D Puzzle Model.

Question. I have a whole load of different 1:6 firearms models from 4D Master (or their associated brands) similar to this one. Are they to be considered legitimate for entry into Scalemates database? They are plastic models, comprise several parts (okay, some a bit basic), mostly 'dry' fit, but in the main are quite accurate and to scale - though not always exactly 1:6 as described! If so, I can add these to the database (though I read no Chinese at all!!!). Can I have a ruling on this please? (Before I start a 'fools errand'!) Thanks. 🙂
29 October 2019, 12:11
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