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Breda 88

"Epoxi Resin Kit Hand Made"

CMK | No. Nº098 | 1:72

CMK Logo


CMK (Czech Master Kits)
Breda 88 "Epoxi Resin Kit Hand Made"
Целовита макета
Cancelled 199x Отказано | Никад пуштен
Breda Ba.88 » Пропелери (Летелице)

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Сродни производи

Italy World War II Clear-Vax Canopies
Falcon 1:72
20 Мултитема (14)
Bombardieri Italiani Italian bombers
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72-019 Мултитема (15)
Re 2000+2001+2002+2005, Breda BA 88, Bf-109
Tauro Model 1:72
72-522 Мултитема (6)
RE 2000/2001/2002/2005
Regia Aeronautica Breda Ba-88
Tauro Model 1:72
72-522 Мултитема (6)

In-box рецензије

Екстерне рецензије

Није нам позната ни једна In-box рецензија за ово Breda 88 (#Nº098) од CMK.


Tony May
I was gifted this kit years ago by a fellow that was leaving the hobby due to health issues making it difficult to manage any longer. He was close with the folks behind Azur, MPM, Pavla & Planet Models. Many of the kits shared with him were subsequently gifted to me for which I will forever be grateful!

This kit, like all others in the household, had been broken down, bagged, padded & placed in large storage bins for more than a decade due to having relocated to homes which lacked adequate display space for models. In our prior two places of residence our built models even remained stored away; Most of these did not even survive the moves.

Today, like the previous two weeks, I'm taking inventory. I was aware of this kit but had for more than twenty years believed that I had been gifted an early Planet Models kit. Instead, it appears, I might've been gifted a rare test shot of a Breda Ba.88 produced by CMK in the 1990s as the rudimentary assembly instructions bear the CMK logo, 1/72, Nº098 & the words "Epoxi Resin Kit Hand Made."

Considering the lack of information on this kit, apart from the fellow that built two test run kits of the Breda 88 from CMK on Hyperscale, I can't think of what else this kit might be?!
18 November 2022, 09:33


Breda Ba.88b 1:72
Breda Ba.88b (old test shots)
CMK 1:72
од стране Aldo Chetcuti на Hyperscale

Референтни материјал

Breda 88 (La Bancarella Aeronautica 19)
Breda 88
Ali d'Italia No. 19
Enrico Leproni
Aviation News (Alan W. Hall Publications Ltd Vol 9 | No 12)
Aviation News 7-20 November 1980
Warpaint No. Vol 9 | No 12