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Jorge Medina
додао је нови фотоалбум.
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Spanish Civil War Bf-109B-2 and E-3View album, image #91
All the markings painted
1:48 Messerschmitt Bf 109 E-1 and E-3 Legion Condor (Wingsy Kits D5-09)
19 4 January 2024, 21:29
Very nice job! How are the Wingsy kits?
 4 January 2024, 22:04
Jorge Medina Аутор
Thanks John! In my opinion is a good kit except for the lack of detail in the control surfaces that is easily fixed with Quinta studio 3d decals or with some masks and paint to create the details. All the rest is really good. Nice rivetting and panel lines and also very good fit.
 5 January 2024, 08:13
Jennifer Franklin
Looking very nice so far.
 12 February 2024, 21:27
Henry Ch.
Muy buenos!
 12 February 2024, 23:18
Erik Leijdens
Very nice gathering of Spanish 109s! Well build and great paintjobs!
 11 March 2024, 22:22

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