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Markus Meyer
додао је нови фотоалбум.
8 слике
Rome meets StargateView album, image #1
Пројекат: Rome through a gate
1:35 T-35 Heavy Tank (HobbyBoss 83843)
11 20 April 2024, 15:57
Simon Nagorsnik
Haha 😄 really nice and special! Like it👍
 20 April 2024, 17:33
Markus Meyer Аутор
Thank you!
 20 April 2024, 18:51
Villiers de Vos
Very creative.
1  13 January, 16:47
Ben M
I love this. I once watched a production of Shakespeare's Julius Caesar where he arrived in a tank and the soldiers wore US uniforms.
1  13 January, 16:50
Daniel H
That's rad. Nice work!
1  13 January, 16:50
Nice idea.
I see what you mean about the eyes. I read once that when you are painting model faces you should only paint what you can see from 20 feet away, the pupil and iris aren't very clear at that distance. Painting them makes them look too sharp and vivid - particularly in black. You could try and reduce the staring eye effect by painting the eyelid partly closed so only a small part of the iris/pupil is visible perhaps.
1  13 January, 17:55

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