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Chris Ubing
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6 слике
Hasagwa A 10 cView album, image #1
Here is the A10 about 3/4 done, no weapons but painted well.
Пројекат: A 10 II Hasagawa 1/72
1:72 A-10C Thunderbolt II (Hasegawa 01573)
6 21 April 2024, 17:15
Chris Ubing Аутор
Weight of the back is still causing issues, and I have not attached weapons. I also noticed that there are seams visible. I might try to putty it, but the paint will get trashed in the process if I do.
 21 April 2024, 17:22
Chris Ubing Аутор
I am not sure why the photo is cut off, but I will work with that too.
 21 April 2024, 17:23
Miguel Vaquero
Hey Chris. Love how this is turning up! I'm not to experienced in this world, but i would try and putty those seam lines. It's going to be a pain in the ass to redo the paint job, but in the long run I think it's going to be better all the way. Either way, love to see how this ends up!
 21 April 2024, 19:30
Chris Ubing Аутор
I've got two other A-10's including one from Tamiya. I am going to try the putty out to see if I can get rid of seam lines.
 22 April 2024, 02:30
Chris Ubing Аутор
New image Put tamiya putty on the wing seams. Hope I haven't trashed her.
 8 May 2024, 03:15

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