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Тема започета од стране Paulo16

Paulo Araya
додао је нови фотоалбум.
25 слике
1/72 LCM(3) + M4 Sherman D-DayView album, image #23
Пројекат: M4 Sherman
1:72 M4 Sherman (Italeri 7003)
33 9 July 2024, 14:28
Nice dio!
 9 July 2024, 14:40
very nice
 9 July 2024, 14:59
Ferenc Sarka
 9 July 2024, 18:19
Paulo Araya Аутор
Thank you very much guys!!
 9 July 2024, 18:53
William Joel
Paulo - very nice job. Question - how did you make the water / waves for the dio? Material list please.
 9 July 2024, 20:45
Villiers de Vos
Phenomenal work, especially the water effects.
 10 July 2024, 01:58
Well done indeed!
 10 July 2024, 08:16
Thomas Kolb
The water splashing and frothing around the vessel is superbly done! I only wish you had posted some step by step descriptions and photos for us to learn.
 10 July 2024, 08:50
Łukasz Gliński
Wow, impressive waves indeed 👍
 10 July 2024, 11:17
Rui S
Very nice work 👍
 13 July 2024, 21:40
Paulo Araya Аутор
Thank you all for the kind words. Fore more information on how to make the water, I used the techniques and materials from Blue Ocean Studio´s Youtube channel, there you will find (IMHO) the best way to "make" water.
 17 July 2024, 18:51

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